Symptoms of Milk Fever in Dogs
Normally, the mother and puppies can appear healthy before the mother begins to show subtle signs of rigid limbs, panting, and spastic movements. Once these signs appear, the condition can turn fatal within 30 to 60 minutes if left untreated. Heavy panting can lead to respiratory alkalosis in your dog, while continued seizures can cause fluid accumulation and swelling in the brain. Signs your dog is suffering from milk fever include:
How Do I Know If My Dog’s Milk is Toxic?
Puppies don’t nurse well if the milk is off-taste. Some get sick but most will just cry a lot, dehydrate and die. This issue seems to affect large breeds more than small, but any breed can get “toxic milk.”
The first two weeks puppies should only eat and sleep. Anytime you see discontented puppies, check mom for infection issues. You can check for mammary gland issues by rubbing the glands to make sure they are soft and pain-free. Rubbing glands will also get her to let milk down. Express milk from nipple and see if it is normal “milk” looking. Clear, blood tinged, or chunks are abnormal and need to be treated.
How to Treat a Dog With Toxic Milk Syndrome
Get mom on an antibiotic as soon as possible. Since E.coli is the common cause, veterinarians have typically recommended giving Sulfa-Trimeth once a day. Sulfa-Trimeth is easy to use and usually clears the issue.
Supplement babies as they are not eating enough.