Is Drooling a sign of a sick dog? Get Your Pet Thinking

Are There Any Health Concerns Associated with Excessive Drooling in Dogs?

It is essential to pay attention to your pet and monitor what is normal for them. If you notice excessive saliva, reach out to your veterinarian to determine the cause.

Is it normal for dogs to drool?

It’s normal for dogs to drool occasionally. Often it’s because they’ve seen food or found an interesting scent, while some dog breeds are just more prone to drooling than others. But when your dog is drooling excessively, unusually or they have other symptoms too, it could be a sign of something that needs veterinary attention. There are lots of possible causes of drooling that require veterinary treatment, such as dental problems, poisoning or heat stroke, so if you’re not sure whether you should be concerned then it’s a good idea to get advice from a vet. It might be nothing to worry about but it’s always best to be safe.

It’s worth keeping in mind that “excessive” drooling means different things to different dogs – what’s excessive for one dog might be normal for another. Only you will know what is excessive for your dog based on their normal behaviour.

There are lots of things that could be causing your dog to drool. It could be down to excitement, fear or nervousness or as a result of taking certain medications. Drooling could also be a sign of nausea — and if you notice them drooling when you’re in the car then it could be due to motion sickness. Dental problems, injury, infection, irritation of the mouth or lips or something stuck in their mouth, teeth or throat could also be to blame. Drooling can also be a sign that your dog has ingested a toxin or poison or has heatstroke. While some drooling is normal to some extent and certain breeds of dog drool more than others (like St Bernards and bulldogs), drooling is sometimes a sign of an underlying cause that will need veterinary treatment. Meanwhile, others — like poisoning, heat stroke or something stuck in their throat — should be treated as emergencies. That’s why you should always contact your vet for advice if you’re worried about your drooling dog.

Drooling is normal to an extent but if its excessive, unusual or accompanied by other symptoms it could be a sign of something more serious

Types of Dogs that Drool the Most

  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Bloodhound
  • Bulldog
  • Newfoundland
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Bullmastiff
  • Boxer
  • Great Dane
  • ✔ ¡Causes Of a Dog Drooling a Lot!

    Dogs are beloved for many reasons, from their unwavering loyalty to cute little tails. But of all the traits you love about your dog, her tendency to drool a lot probably isn’t one of them.

    You should be willing to forgive your pet’s drooling as a natural function that helps him eat and digest food. If your dog seems to have more saliva than usual, it could be a sign of a problem, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Reach out to your vet to talk about your dog’s excessive drooling.

    When your dog starts drooling more than usual, the first thing you should do is check inside the mouth. Look at the tongue, teeth, and gums for objects like splinters or shards of bones. When giving your dog a bone to chew as a treat, be mindful that the bone will not break evenly. Instead, it will splinter, and shards of bone will enter the mouth. If there are no signs of anything suspicious, visit a vet as they might be able to help tell if something has become stuck while eating.

    If tartar builds up inside your dog’s mouth, it can cause excessive drooling. You may be able to identify problems with tartar build-up by checking the teeth for browning and gums for redness, swelling, or bleeding. Consult with your pet care provider if you think that issues with your dog’s teeth or mouth may be causing extra salivation. Your vet can check your dog for dangerously cracked teeth, mouth diseases, growths, and ulcers and recommend appropriate treatments, such as extraction, a professional cleaning, or routine brushing.

    It probably seems counterintuitive, but drooling is a symptom of heatstroke. If you’re worried that your furry friend is spending too much time in the sun and notice common signs like drooling, lethargy, and unresponsiveness, heatstroke may be the culprit. Since this is something that can kill your dog, you must take it very seriously and get her to the vet immediately. You can help prevent heatstroke by ensuring your dog always has easy access to water and not leaving her out in the sun on hot days or alone in a parked car.

    Drooling can be brought on from anxiety, which can develop from visits to the vet for shots, unpleasant procedures, or stressors. Dogs are intuitive and will pick up our habits. So if they are a fan of going for a check-up, this could bring on anxiety, leading to additional drooling. Usually, the excess salivation will cease once the stressor is removed or the visit to the vet is over.

    The causes of salivation are many. However, one alarming condition in older pets is when a mass is located in the mouth, which could be cancer- in some cases, drooling may also indicate liver disease and kidney failure!

    Hypersalivation is a condition caused by various factors, including infections and allergies. Suppose you notice your dog drooling more than usual or experiencing unusual thirst during activities such as walks on hot days when they generally pant heavily to cool off. In that case, visit the vet right away.

    If your dog develops a sinus or throat infection, this can cause more drooling than usual. Common signs of diseases include pus and bad breath. Talk to your vet if you think your dog may have an infection.

    The list of poisonous plants to dogs is long, and some common ones include chrysanthemums, tulips, and azaleas. The critical thing you need to know is if your pup has eaten any part from one or all three types, which could cause excessive drooling. You’ll want to seek veterinary care right away so they can figure out what happened and how to treat the symptoms.

    You may not think that a dog’s drooling and slobbering is something you can control, but you may want to consider it when you choose a dog. If you are not a fan of constant salivation, check out these breeds before bringing home a furry friend.