How do you treat a dog with pneumonia? Find Out Here

Costs of Treating Pneumonia in Dogs

Antibiotics or other required medications can cost anywhere between $50 and $150. If your dog is severely dehydrated from the vomiting fluid therapy may be prescribed which alongside oxygen support can cost around $130. If your dog is hospitalized, the total cost of treatment for pneumonia in dogs can be between $500 and $2000. However, without knowing the cause, it is difficult to know the complete cost, so be sure to ask your vet about what treatment options are best for your dogs diagnosis. The best way to keep costs low and manageable is to catch pneumonia early, so seek consultation with your vet if you suspect your dog may be suffering from a pneumonia infection.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pets condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Home Treatments for Pneumonia in Dogs

Your veterinarian can recommend the best way to care for your sick dog at home. They may suggest:

  • Restricting their activity and making sure they get lots of rest.
  • Offering them plenty of fresh water to help keep them from getting dehydrated.
  • Sitting with your dog in the bathroom with a hot shower running for around fifteen minutes a few times a day. The steam and humidity can help thin out mucus so it can be coughed up more easily.
  • While your dog needs rest, they may also benefit from short bouts of exercise that can loosen mucus secretions and help your dog cough out debris. However, follow your dogs lead and dont force them to exercise if theyre not up for it.

    As with canine influenza, youre not likely to contract pneumonia from your dog. However, bacterial and viral pneumonia can be transmitted easily between dogs, especially if they are very young, older, or have a compromised immune system. If you have multiple dogs in the home, you will need to separate the healthy ones from your sick pooch.

    You should also thoroughly clean all bedding, bowls, and gear, such as leashes, collars, and harnesses, to help avoid spreading the disease. In addition, be sure to wash your hands after handling your sick dog and consider wearing a protective garment over your clothing to help avoid spreading the disease that way.

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    How do you treat a dog with pneumonia?

    How to Treat Dogs With Pneumonia