What do I do if my dog ate a tampon? Let’s Explore

How can I prevent my dog from eating a tampon?

If your dog ate a tampon, youll want to do everything in your power to avoid a repeat experience—and subsequently, a repeat vet bill.

Here’s what you can do to prevent your furry friend from eating more tampons.Â

Make it a habit to close your bathroom door, which is where your pet likely got access to the tampon originally.

Along with this, you should make sure that tampons are secured away or high up enough that they’re not reachable for your pet should they get into the bathroom. You can also put them behind a closed medicine cabinet so they inaccessible to your pets.

Proper disposal of menstrual hygiene products is critical. Your next step is to buy a trash can that is pet-proof and doesn’t have an uncovered top so your pet cannot stick their nose into the garbage can. You can consider a covered trash can or one that you have to press down with your foot to successfully open.

Are used tampons more dangerous than unused tampons?

The severity of the situation depends on several factors, but regardless of whether your dog ate a used or unused tampon, you should talk to a vet immediately.

An unused tampon that was outside of the applicator could potentially expand in your dogs stomach, resulting in more blockage. An unused tampon still inside of a plastic or cardboard applicator could lead to lacerations and damage to the digestive tract. Digestive upset and blockages can also occur with a used tampon.

Used or unused, you dont want a tampon lingering in your dogs body.

My Dog Ate A Tampon – Is It A Big Deal?

What do I do if my dog ate a tampon?

If your canine companion ate a tampon, you are likely searching for any possible explanation of what comes next.

Some dogs are known to eat anything that crosses their path, leading to the question of whether or not eating a tampon is really that big of a deal.

Unfortunately for our furry friends, eating a tampon can be extremely dangerous.

The main purpose of the tampon is what makes it so dangerous when consumed by a dog.

Tampons are designed to remain intact when in the body for long periods of time, as well as swelling to absorb fluids.

This results in tampons not being easily digested by the gut, as well as the potential for the tampon to expand in the stomach or intestines.

Some dogs may be just fine when eating a tampon, but the risk of potential complications means that every tampon ingestion should be taken seriously.

Q) Help! My dog ate a tampon!│ Twin Trees Vet Talk (FREE VET ADVICE PODCAST)

The act of eating a tampon is extremely common in the canine population, no matter how odd or gross it may seem to us.

In this article we will discuss what can happen when your dog eats a tampon, and help you better understand the treatment options available to your pup.