How do you train a cat to like a dog? What to Know

Body language of dogs and cats

When introducing your dog to a cat, pay attention to the body language of both animals. If the cat’s ears are pinned back or his tail is swishing back and forth, this is a good indicator that he is displeased. You particularly want to be aware of dog body language that could be potential warning signs. If your dog has a strong prey drive (the inclination to seek out, chase and potentially capture animals seen as prey — usually smaller animals such as cats or rabbits), she might become very focused on the cat. She’ll stiffen, stare, and may start barking or whining. If you see these signs, do not let her near the cat. Ideally, her body language will be loose and relaxed around the cat. It’s OK if she pays attention to the cat, but you don’t want to see her fixated on him.

In addition, a dog’s interaction with a cat can change depending on the environment. Just because your dog is OK with the cat inside the house doesn’t mean she’ll exhibit that same behavior outdoors. She might fixate on the cat and start stalking him when they are outside together. So, be aware of her body language around the cat in each new situation, until you know how she is going to respond toward him.

Methods for introducing a dog and a cat

There are many different ways to introduce a dog to a cat. If the first method of introduction you try doesn’t work or you don’t feel comfortable with it, try a different option. Even if the dog has had experience with cats and the cat has lived with a dog before, proceed cautiously during the introduction. It’s best to have two people present — one to intervene with each animal, if necessary. If you have more than one dog, introduce each dog separately to the cat.

Can you train your cat to follow commands like a dog?

Ever see those insanely cute videos (like the one below) of cats doing outrageously amazing tricks and think, “Hey, I want to train my cat like that!”

Yeah, me too. Obviously, it’s possible. Otherwise we wouldn’t have the aforementioned videos to make us feel like totally inadequate cat trainers!

What you need to realize, though, is that these people spent hours upon hours perfecting those routines with their kitties.

Cats may be more independent and even more clever than dogs in many ways, but that actually works against you.

See, most dogs are people pleasers by nature. Cats? Not so much. You have to really make it worth their while!

How to Introduce Dogs & Cats SAFELY What to AVOID

Do you mean is it possible to teach him to follow commands and do tricks like a dog?

Or are we talking about training him using the same basic methods that we use on dogs?