Is there dog friendly rat poison? Here’s What to Do Next

RatX is Safe for Dogs

RatX is a relatively new product and was designed to be exactly what you are looking for right now – a pet friendly rat poison. The active ingredients in RatX, corn gluten, and salt, will kill rats and mice but will not harm dogs or children.

Here is the official video that tells you more about this canine-friendly rodenticide.

How does Rat X work? RatX kills the rat through dehydration. When the corn gluten in the product reaches the rat’s stomach it swells up and blocks off the digestive tract. The rat is then unable to eat or drink anything and eventually dies of dehydration.

The company that makes RatX claims that because the animal dies of dehydration, and continues to dehydrate after it is dead, that this is a rat poison that kills without odor.

The reason why this product is a pet safe rat poison and won’t hurt dogs is that dogs can throw up and get the product out of their system. Rats are not able to throw up and are stuck with what they eat.

Is there dog friendly rat poison?

Rat Zappers

A rat zapper is an electric device that electrocutes a rodent when it crawls into the main chamber. The entrance to the main chamber is way too small for a dog to enter. If a dog did manage his way into the device then the resulting shock would be large enough to cause him pain but would not cause permanent harm.

This style of trap is widely considered to be the most humane trap available as the rodent dies instantly.

Eliminating the Source of Attraction for the Rodents

The rodents in your home are often there due to an available source of food or water. If you identify and remove these sources, it goes without saying that the pests will also disappear. For instance, pet food left outside can attract rats. Unsecured cans and containers, when left unattended, can also attract these pests. When the sources of food and water are gone, they tend to move to other places to find the same.

When eliminating rodents from your home, it would be a great idea to consider the use of eco-friendly and humane methods. These methods should also protect and ensure that your dog is not in danger of rodenticide poisoning. The Goodnature A24 Trap is a non-toxic trap that offers the most humane pest control solution. The trap kit comes bundled with enough supplies for 48 kills. This non-toxic and humane option makes it the best rodent-control solution for your family and your dog.

100% guaranteed kill mice and rats DEAD! pet,child,nature safe

This simple recipe is for natural rat poison and mouse poison that’s safe for dogs and cats. You can kill mice with salt, rather than poison.