Do landscapers pick up dog poop? A Step-by-Step Guide

How do lawn professionals (Professionally) handle dog poop on the lawn?

So, you have a client who has a dog/s that use the lawn as a liter box, how can you address the issue?

Look, there are basically 3 simple solutions:

  • Charge More
  • Don’t Charge More
  • Cut the Client
  • Before I offer advice from my experience, check out what our poll of over 500 lawn care professionals told us about how they handle the issue.

    Hands down, the most common answer we received by far was to simply cut the lawn and move on to the next one. 329 of the respondents said that they simply cut the grass with no extra charges.

    Yet, a lot of lawn care professionals, 125, said that they charge more when they have to cut a lawn with dog poop.

    This is crazy but a small segment of lawn care pros said they would simply cut the client. And a smaller segment still said that they would mow around it and tell the client that the waste must be removed.

    However, a lot of lawn care professionals may be overlooking a good opportunity to make more money.

    Let me break it down…

    How do I neutralize dog poop on my lawn?

    A simple, organic, and even cheap treatment that can get rid of many parasites from your yard, is to spread diatomaceous earth throughout your yard, or at least where your dog is pooping.

    Shit Hitting the Fan

    It is the worst being a gardener when you are brush cutting and hit fresh dog shit. It literally is “Shit Hitting the Fan”. Most of the time, there is little you can do about it granted it is not a daily occurrence. In fact, it might only be once or twice a year. As much as you try to watch where you are going and what needs to be cut, you do not always spot the dog shit.

    It ruins your day when you are covered in poo as it normally goes all over your clothes and face. So naturally, you clean as much as you can, yet the smell lingers. It feels like it is embedded up your nostrils. Crikey! The smell stays forever. Oh and the conversations that you have with other gardeners that have had the same experience. It really is the most unpleasant thing that happens in the garden.

    Hitting the dog shit with a mower is less of a problem. It does not spread the same. But if you run over a dog shit, it can stick to the tire. If it does and you happen to have to do maintenance not realizing that there is dog shit off the tire, you will accidentally put your hand on it. And so the frustration goes on.