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How to Teach My Puppy to Stop Biting Aggressively

Get a handle on biting behavior. Teach your puppy that nipping is not acceptable. Here are some techniques that get the message across without causing the dog distress. You should never yell at him or smack him as this can create fear in him.

30 years ago, it was popular to think that allowing a dog to gently bite human skin would be teaching the dog to be harmful and aggressive. It is now the belief that dogs can discern the difference between playfulness and aggression, meaning that allowing a puppy to gently put her teeth on skin will not necessarily lead to aggression later.

In a pack, puppies learn bite inhibition naturally while playing together. They learn that they bite too hard when the other pup yelps. Emulate this behavior by letting him bite you. When he chomps down too hard, let out a high-pitched yelp and make your hand limp.

Play Time

When playing with your puppy, try not to get too rough as that may encourage biting. Gentle play wrestling and a game of tug can be fun, but make sure your puppy does not get overstimulated.

When you’re playing with your puppy, follow the example of littermates (even if they are not there). Allow your puppy to romp and play a little as long as it doesn’t really hurt you. Whenever a consistent correction isn’t administered for inappropriate behavior, the dog will learn that it can behave inappropriately without much repercussion.

If the pup continues on its wrongdoings, immediately and decisively reprimand the dog by firmly saying “no” and walking away momentarily from playing. For the best effect, try repeating this process every time your puppy nips or chews on you since being certain is a vital step in training your dog. If treated appropriately, your pet will only learn how to act appropriately through repetitive and consistent training.

Redirection takes some planning. If your pup tries to bite you, pull your hand away before he has a chance. You want to avoid seeing your puppy nipping on your skin. Immediately give him a treat or toy to redirect his energy to. This is an especially good tactic if your dog is an aggressive chewer.

Choosing the right toys gives your pup something to chew. A toy that allows you to hide a treat inside works well here. Choose toys that make your pup work hard mentally as well. Mental stimulation can go a long way to helping your pup channel her energy in a positive way.

Arranging a play date for your dog will allow him to be socialized. The other dogs will soon teach your pup when they’re chomping down too hard.

You can also find products that taste terrible to discourage your dog from chewing. Place a little of the product on a cotton puff and give it to them. They’ll spit it out and smell it. Now you’ll need to apply the product to the items you don’t want him to bite.

Why Does This Work?

  • A behavior that doesnt get reinforced will stop.
  • Your pup will learn that we dont react to biting with play, attention, or even a negative reaction. All of these things can be fun for a puppy.
  • Your pup will learn to self-entertain. Once they realize the nipping isnt working, they will eventually redirect themselves onto something else.
  • Your puppy will seek out appropriate ways to get your attention, like offering a “sit” or laying at your feet.
  • An Important Caveat:

    Some puppies find the act of a person walking away reinforcing. If your puppy seems to enjoy you removing yourself as a game of chase, you can alternatively use the side of your leg (not your knee, please!) as a “wall,” blocking your puppys advances and non-dramatically removing them from biting you without involving your hands.

    You may have to block them multiple times before they stop trying; dont give up! And most importantly, still avoid yelling or using your hands – bitey puppies tend to find both of these things very exciting.

    Why does my puppy keep attacking me?

    Why Does My Puppy Attack Me? Puppy Training | Part 4 | Doggy Dan Webinar