Why did the dog whisperer get canceled? A Step-by-Step Guide

When Was “The Dog Whisperer” Canceled?

Why did the dog whisperer get canceled?

The final episode of the television series, “The Dog Whisperer” with Cesar Millan, aired on September 15, 2012.

While there may not be a definitive answer as to the question of why was “The Dog Whisperer” canceled, many speculate it is a combination of several compounding elements. Some more notable circumstances that did not bring a positive view to Cesar and his methods include:

  • The Dog Whisperer tragedy with a Young Gymnast and Queen Latifa’s dog
  • The Cesar Millan scandal for animal cruelty on an episode of Cesar 911
  • The Cesar Milan controversy surrounding his German dog-training test
  • Other battles about dogs under his care
  • The Cesar Millan Scandal for Animal Cruelty on an Episode of Cesar 911

    Another televised series with the famed Dog Whisperer was Cesar 911, which aired from 2014 to 2016. This show covered Cesar tackling unruly canines in neighborhoods after receiving calls from concerned residents for help.

    The scandalous episode in question involved a French Bulldog Terrier mix and a pig as part of his comprehensive training methods to help the dog coexist with other animals. The dog was known to previously harm pigs that lived on the property with him.

    Unfortunately, during the training session, the dog bit the pig’s ear, much to the uproar of animal activists and other concerned viewers. Although, many individuals present at the time claim that the bite looked worse than it really was.

    Some individuals claimed that Millan presented the pig to the dog for bait and entertainment purposes. This spurred a growing petition with change.org containing over 14,000 signatures asking for Nat Geo to cancel his show.

    As a result, there was a formal investigation into animal cruelty concerns, and Millan cooperated fully, understanding the need for an inquiry. In the end, the investigators determined that there was no indication that he deliberately put the pig or dog in harm’s way, and everyone there acted appropriately and professionally.

    In addition, the pig did not sustain any permanent injuries, and both animals are currently living together without further problems. So, the court later dropped the charges.

    #5: Constant criticism from animal groups and experts

    Since the Dog Whisperer promotes outdated and aversive practices…

    It’s also constantly attacked by some publications and animal rights groups.

    The former include statements from vets and animal behaviorists. As well as studies that back their stance.

    Here are a few that I dug up:

    In 2006, NY Times called the program’s methods laughable.

    That was under an article entitled “Pack of Lies.”

    It says Millan’s quick fixes fly in the face of what professionals believe.

    It also mentions how relating wolf behavior to a dog is a far cry.

    Because while the former lives in the wild…

    The latter has been bred to exist in human society for thousands of years.

    Moreover, the article exposed how the Dog Whisperer’s mantra is convenient.

    Again, Millan believes that the human’s lack of leadership causes the issues.

    With that logic, once he intervenes and gets quick results…

    But then, the dog returns to their problematic behaviors…

    The clients can’t blame Millan, as a consequence.

    Instead, it’s the parent’s fault for still not assuming the alpha role.

    Why did the dog whisperer get canceled?

    AHS stated in 2006 that they were disturbed by the show.

    They claimed that Millan’s techniques were inhumane…

    Plus, it sends the wrong message about effective dog training.

    Moreover, given that AHS cares deeply about the well-being of all creatures…

    They say that the show opposes what they believe is the appropriate treatment of animals.

    The Dog Whisperer doesn’t award any dog.

    That’s because Millan believes it’ll disrupt the calm he tries to get from the pooch.

    And all of that led to AHS demanding the show be canceled.

    In 2012, Millan was a guest on the Alan Titchmarsh Show.

    And in that episode, Titchmarsh grilled him. Especially about the clip I showed you earlier. The one with Holly.

    Titchmarsh told Millan that punching Holly was unacceptable.

    They went back and forth with it…

    That’s because Millan kept insisting he only touched the dog.

    After a while, Titchmarsh read a statement from the RSPCA to the trainer.

    It mentions Cesar Millan’s name very openly.

    And it tells readers not to follow his aversive techniques.

    So with all that criticism from his fellow experts throughout the years…

    The show’s cancellation was long overdue.

    Cesar Millan: From Dog Whisperer to Dog Abuser | Corporate Casket

    National Geographic has just announced that they’re canceling The Dog Whisperer, the long running show where Cesar Millan claims to “rehabilitate dogs, and train people.”

    I’d say it’s more like he kicks dogs and confuses people. But whatever! The guy’s got charisma! So much so that the channel is bringing him back on a different show they’re introducing: Leader of the Pack. The good news is that this reality program will focus on a worthy cause: finding new homes for homeless dogs. The bad news is that it turns the adoption process into a game show.

    I went to CesarMillan.com to learn more. But that site is owned by a karate/aerobics instructor from Madrid.

    So, I went to CesarsWay.com, where I learned that the new show, which is also produced by National Geographic, will involve:

    What’s more, there are enough adoptable dogs in each of those countries to warrant an entire series. And enough potential dog owners, too. Why are they shipping families from all these different countries to Spanish dog pounds? Is that all Spain has to offer its European brethren now? A single homeless pup? Ugh.