Why do dogs run away when you give them food? Here’s What to Do Next

Why a dog runs away when you give him a treat

Why do dogs run away when you give them food?

We must take a look at history to understand that dogs descend from wolves. They are endowed with an incredible survival instinct. Dogs, even though they may be domesticated, still have some of that instinct. So, when they get something, they’ll want to keep it for themselves at all costs.

When they get something different, like a treat, a bone, or a piece of meat, your pet feels like they have a great treasure. Therefore, they won’t hesitate for a second– as soon as they get it, they’ll run away to make sure no one can take it away from them. Does this mean that they don’t trust their family?

Not at all! They do this because they can’t fight their natural instinct. It’s an unconscious act; they simply do it without thinking. In fact, you should be able to approach them and touch them without any problems. However, if you touch them and they growl or try to bite you, then it means they have a behavioral problem that you should tackle as soon as possible.

For us, the fact that a dog sees such an insignificant thing as a treasure may seem silly. But for the dog, it’s a really special moment. So, let them enjoy it!

So, it’s obvious that the fact that your dog runs away in order to enjoy their prize in solitude isn’t a selfish act, but an instinctive one. Remember that dogs believe that only the strongest will survive, and that running away to protect their “prey” makes them feel strong and safe.

Human beings might think that because they were the one presenting the treat, the dog would be well aware that they weren’t going to take it back, but it’s just not that simple. It’s your dog’s instinct to seek privacy to enjoy the high value resource and not have to share. He might feel he needs to keep it where he thinks no other members of the pack will see it. It isn’t a personal affront. It isn’t that he doesn’t know it came from you. It is just his natural instincts telling him that he should value something special and use it to promote his own personal survival.

Have you ever been excited to give your dog an extra special treat or chew and when you hand it over she grabs it and slinks away like she thinks that you are going to steal it back? You are not alone. Many dogs have this custom and it can seem like a personal insult to you as the bearer of wonderful things, right? But don’t take it too personally. Let’s look at why a dog might behave in this way.

The truth probably lies in who your dog is instinctively. He is designed and evolved to live in a group, but is not necessarily particularly generous. Members of a functional group must consider the success of the entire group and work as a team on many occasions, but each individual also must fend for himself.

The idea of resources is critical to understanding dogs. Each dog depends on food, shelter and safety and we call these things “resources”. In your dog’s mind, resources are all important, but certain ones stand out as particularly valuable. When you selected that special treat, you chose something that would be enticing to your dog (on purpose), but it is precisely the high value that creates this issue. High value resources can motivate. We use them in training because the dog is more likely to be motivated by something that he really wants for himself.

Your dog sees you as a part of the family group and although he wants the group as a whole to flourish, he is also aware of his own survival and the special treat you gave him is a high value resource. His choice is not strictly selfish. It is more of an evolutionary “survival of the fittest” adaptation, so don’t be offended. Be glad that you chose something to give that was truly valuable. In the end, it is your own status as the provider of amazing things that makes you both happy.

5) Boredom

A very common cause of dogs running away is boredom. Very smart dog breeds are the most likely suspects! It starts out with them wanting to get to that squirrel over there. Or go down the road to make friends with the neighborhood kids.

Dogs are naturally curious creatures with a need for daily activity and stimulation. If you’re not exercising or entertaining your dog enough, they may get bored and try to create fun for themselves by escaping and running away.

Why do dogs run away when you give them food?

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