How do you get 2 male dogs to get along? What to Know

Before settling on a breed, think about the gender of the dog. For the happiest dogs and the safest household, opposite sex dogs almost always do best together. Many same-sex combinations of dogs will fight, sometimes to the death. Those who work out a dominance order may not fare much better. The dominant of two males will become more dominant (toward other dogs, not humans) than he would have otherwise been, and the sometimes submissive one will be pushed into more submission than would have otherwise been normal for him. Because they live with humans rather than in the wild, they are stuck in this situation. It can be stressful.

Normally a dog will stop attacking when the other dog yields. But terriers have a quality called gameness. This instinct makes it appear they enjoy fighting. Whether that’s what the dog is actually feeling or not, it means the terrier doesn’t accept the other dog’s surrender, and the game dog keeps attacking. Terriers make fine pets. You just want to avoid keeping two terriers of the same sex together.

For the first couple of weeks, the dogs are likely to play a lot as their way of getting to know one another. This will likely moderate somewhat over time, but if one dog seems to be unhappy about the play, interrupt it without punishing either dog. Dogs are different in how they play. Some can play in the house without damaging things while others cannot.

If the new dog is an adult, ask about how this dog gets along with other dogs of the same gender. You need to know the same about your dog, so look for safe opportunities to check that out before you decide whether to adopt a second dog. If either dog is a puppy, find out how the other dog reacts to puppies. Puppies, adolescents, and adult dogs are all different to a dog.

If for some reason you must do this indoors, one way to start would be with two crates. First you could crate both dogs where they can see but not touch each other. When they are both clearly calm, you could let one of them out. When they are calm that way, put that one back in the crate and let the other one out. This way they get to safely observe each other’s body language before they have to interact with each other.

Is it Play Fighting or Real Fighting – How Can You Tell?

It can be difficult to tell if two dogs are play fighting or if they’re actually fighting. Here are a few things to look for:

  • The dogs are taking turns being on top during the fight.
  • The dogs have relaxed body postures and their tails are wagging.
  • The dogs are making playful vocalizations, such as barking or growling in a high-pitched voice.
  • The dogs break off the fight frequently and resume playing.
  • Both dogs seem to be enjoying themselves.
  • If you’re not sure whether the dogs are play fighting or real fighting, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and intervene. Dogs can get injured during play fights, just as they can during real fights.

    How do you get 2 male dogs to get along?

    Ways to Prevent or Reduce Conflict Between Two Male Dogs

    There are a few things you can do to prevent or reduce conflict between two male dogs.

  • If possible, have the dogs neutered. This will help reduce testosterone levels and may make them more compatible with each other.
  • Provide plenty of space for the dogs to roam and play. They’re more likely to become agitated and start a fight if they’re cramped up in a small area.
  • Give each dog equal attention. If one dog feels like he’s being ignored, he may become jealous and start a fight with the other dog.
  • Provide plenty of toys and chew toys for the dogs. This will help reduce resource guarding and may prevent fights over toys or food.
  • Introduce the dogs slowly and carefully. If they meet each other too quickly, it may lead to a fight. Instead, allow them to sniff each other and gradually get to know each other.
  • It’s essential to feed them in separate areas and keep their toys sorted so that each dog has his own space.
  • Provide plenty of opportunities for exercise and play. A tired dog is less likely to pick fights with others.
  • If the dogs do start to fight, intervene quickly and calmly. Don’t yell or hit the dogs, as this will only make the situation worse.
  • Avoid using physical punishment as a means of discipline. This can increase anxiety and aggression levels, making conflict more likely.
  • If you find that your dogs are constantly fighting, it may be best to consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist who can help you manage the situation.

    How do you get 2 male dogs to get along?

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