Are staffy cross pitbull dangerous? Here’s the Answer

Post by Busters_Mum Mon Aug 06 2012, 12:52Pit bull type is banned in the UK – so any dog of any breed that has certian measurements and looks. They can be put on an exempted dogs register (I think its called, but I read so many things I couldve got that bit wrong

Post by shakespearesdog Tue Mar 13 2012, 10:26No dog breed is born dangerous or nasty whatever the breed. It is a myth there Pitbulls have a different mental make-up and will one day turn or are more aggressive then any other breed. They are just dogs the same as any other and make very good pets. There are some breeds of dog that are naturally suspicious and more prone to biting-but

Post by geekchic51423 Sun Aug 18 2013, 17:54hi Of course not, staffys are loyal and are one of the most loyal types of dogs I have read that quote numerous times. They can look intimidating but for now cross the pit bull out he is obviously being cared for and is gorgeous. As long as you are caring for him right he should be fine, happy and loyal hope I helped x

Post by George Tue Mar 20 2012, 21:26I think any dog in the wrong hands could be a potentially dangerous dog and peoples misguided fear of so called dangerous dogs can make it even worse. At our local park all dogs are allowed off the leed for a run once theyre kept close to the owner. The west highland terriers and jack russels are petted and played with by anyone they pass but as soon as a local breeders staff shows up its all dogs in the cars and kids are picked up off the grass. One woman was walking along the hedgerow and hadnt seen the staff. She came upon it and started to run. Of course the dog thought this was a great game and ran along side her. She started to scream when she couldnt get into her car quick enough as the dog sat on the ground wagging his tail with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. This happened so quickly and was so innocent but that woman because of her irrational fear of these dogs had a horrible experience and all she wanted was to go for a walk. Just goes to show how peoples imagination will make opinion of our beloved breed worse.

Post by CARRIELOU Sat Aug 18 2012, 00:05Re: Would you say a Staffy X Pitbull a dangerous dog? Ironically we had the same problem with our dog also a X Pit and also called Taz!!! He was breed for fighting and when we rescued him he was a year old nothing but skin and bones and full of cigarette burns. His owner had died and he had been alone in his home for 6 months with a corps and surviving only on his feces. Over the years he never took to any other animals so other pets were not an option. My children constantly nagged for puppies, kittens, birds etc. But they were always told no because Taz. Because he was a rescue dog and his medical history was unknown no one would insure him and over the years he has cost us thousands in vet fees including a £5000 bill for ripping apart a kennel after a leg operation. In December 2011 he had just turned 13 and diagnosed with kidney disease, arthritis, his legs were starting to go and he was loosing his will to live. So I decided after researching on the web to bring a puppy into his life. My partner was adamant he would never take to him but I believed he would give him a new lease of life. Cesar Milan stated on his web if a pup is brought home it must stay. You are the dominant one not the dog giving in means giving your dog the dominate roll. It took 1 week where the pup was in a cage after that Taz proved my partner wrong!!! Over the next 6 months we watched Taz as he became the playful boisterous dog he always was and sooooo much happier. When I fell pregnant with my daughter he was 4 and my partner worried he would not take to her as he had been our baby for 2 years. After her birth I sent home the towel she was wrapped in after delivery and when she came home I stripped her naked and allowed him to sniff her from head to foot. From that day he was where ever she was. And even at 6 months when she went into her own room he slept at the foot of her cot. No one could touch her unless we gave him the “Taz its ok” say so. And he was the same with my son the year later. So the answer to your question—- No!!! However, his temperament will reflect on your ability as his master!!! A dog will only behave in a way to please his master. If you do not want him to be dangerous he will not be!! We took a fighting dog and turned his into a family pet I wouldnt exactly call that a dangerous dog!!! [img][/img]

What Is a Staffy X Pitbull?

First, I want to point out that the cross is not a purebred dog but is a mix between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

American Pitbull Terriers are banned in the UK and have been since 1991; it’s illegal to breed, own, abandon or sell one of these dogs. Various states have also put the dog on their banned lists in the US.

The likelihood of finding a Staffy X Pitbull in the UK is extremely rare. If a breeder tries to sell you one, it’s more than probable that one half will be a Staffy, but the other parent will be unknown. While Pitbull crosses are not strictly banned, they may be subject to the law depending on their characteristics.

Trait Measurement
Height 17 to 22 inches
Weight 35 to 65 pounds
Lifespan 12 to 14 years
Coat Short, semi-dense
Coat shedding Medium to high
Grooming Every week
Activity Level Moderate
Exercise 60 minutes per day

The 5 Key Differences Between Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Pitbulls

Are staffy cross pitbull dangerous?

The main differences between Staffordshire terriers and Pitbulls are size, color, temperament, and the shape of their face.

Pitbulls are much larger and taller than Staffordshire terriers. They also have a lean and muscular build and have various colors and markings. Staffordshire terriers often have more solid colors and are usually better behaved with other animals than Pitbulls are.

Let’s discuss all of these differences in more detail below.

Are staffy cross pitbull dangerous?

Are Pit Bulls And Staffies the Same? ( Breed Comparison )

The mention of Pitbull-breed dogs stirs up strong feelings. Some people swear to their gentleness, while others are uncomfortable being near them. Most Pittbull owners will tell you that their temperament is much more docile than what the stereotypes would have you believe. This may be the case when the canine in question is in the right environment. In fact, Pitbull breeds may show no signs of aggression around humans, including young children, but humans may not be the ones in immediate danger.