Does the US military use pitbulls? Surprising Answer

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Some of Americas most beloved wartime canines wouldn’t even be allowed to live on many military bases today.

The first type of dog named on every single one of these lists? Pit bulls. The policies define “pit bull” differently, since it is not a specific breed, but, rather, a general category. While the Army, for instance, defines pit bulls as “American Staffordshire Bull Terriers or English Staffordshire Bull Terriers,” the Marines policy doesnt define the term at all.

Its unclear how exactly officials determine the breed or type of dog. The Marines policy states that if a dog does not have formal breed certification, a veterinarian will be tasked with determining the breed, and a 2013 article by Amy Bushatz, editor-in-chief of Military.coms family blog, indicates this is the case in the Army as well. Bushatz explains that these classifications, based primarily on looks and first impressions, can be highly arbitrary.

Regardless, the restrictions are somewhat ironic, because not only do pit bulls regularly act as service dogs for veterans, some of the most celebrated canines in U.S. military history were pit bulls as well.

Here are a few historical military pups who would most likely be banned from many military housing facilities today. While not all of their breeds are known, they have all been considered pit bulls at some point by historians and the media based on their appearances, and would likely be classified as such today.Advertisement

Sergeant Stubby: Decorated Dog

Does the US military use pitbulls?

Sgt. Stubbys skin was preserved and stretched over a plaster cast, and is displayed at the Smithsonians National Museum of American History.

This courageous canine World War I veteran was described as a “bull terrier” in his New York Times obituary and a “pit bull” in historian Michael Lemishs book War Dogs. Stubby was adopted as a pup in 1917 by Pvt. J. Robert Conroy, who found the young dog on the fields of Yale University.

He soon became the mascot of the 102nd Infantry, 26th Yankee Division, and even learned a special dog salute, in which he held his right paw up near his eye. Conroy smuggled Stubby along with him when the unit headed to France, and the commanding officer allowed Stubby to stay after the dog saluted him.

Stubby was reportedly was able to detect poison gas, waking up soldiers in the trenches to warn them to flee, the obituary notes. At one point, he even held a German soldier by his pants until U.S. forces could nab him. The National Museum of American History says Stubby was promoted to the rank of Sergeant after assisting in the capture, though Lemish says Stubby was never officially given rank by the military.

After the war ended, Stubby became a bone-a fide celebrity, touring the country and meeting three different presidents.Advertisement

One of Stubby’s best traits, though, was his good-natured spirit. From his obituary:

While Stubby wasnt technically awarded any military medals, the men of the 102nd attached a Victory Medal to his collar to commemorate his service, according to Lemish. A group of French women also made Stubby a special blanket after the town of Chateau-Thierry was recaptured by French and American forces. After the war, people who met the “hero dog” would pin medals to the blanket.

He died peacefully in his sleep. Stubby’s skin was preserved on a plaster cast and is now on display at the American History Museum, along with his blanket and medals.

Dog Jack: Canine Prisoner of War

A newspaper clipping featuring Dog Jack.

During the Civil War, the soldiers of the Union’s 102nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment cared so much about Dog Jack — a mixed-breed dog with a distinctive patch over one eye — that they exchanged a prisoner of war to get him back after he was captured by Confederate troops in 1863.Advertisement

Unfortunately, Dog Jack went missing the following year, and no one is sure what happened to him. Some speculate that thieves picked him up because of his silver collar. Soldiers in his regiment later commissioned a portrait of the beloved canine.

The 2010 movie “Dog Jack” was loosely inspired by the dogs life and starred a deaf female pit bull, Piglet, as Jack.

Sallie: Loyal Mascot

This Staffordshire terrier was so beloved by the Union Army’s 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War that she was commemorated in a monument at Gettysburg. As a puppy, Sallie was given to the regiment as a gift and quickly became its mascot. Sallie demonstrated her incredible loyalty during the Battle of Gettysburg, when she got separated from the troops and was found three days later guarding the bodies of dead soldiers from her unit.

Sallie ultimately lost her life when she was shot in the head during the Battle of Hatcher’s Run in 1865. Her fellow soldiers buried her on the field.Advertisement

Harvey: Friend To Soldiers And Squirrels

Does the US military use pitbulls?

Harvey was one of the most beloved canines in a unit that had so many dogs, it was nicknamed the “barking dog regiment.”

Another Civil War pup, Harvey was one mascot of the 10th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which became known as the “barking dog regiment” because it had so many canines in tow. Harvey’s proud owner inscribed his dog tags with the words “I am Lieutenant D.M. Stearns dog; whose dog are you?”

In a letter home to his children, Capt. William Jordan wrote that Harvey and two other dogs had “the run of the regiment,” and described Harvey saving the life of a squirrel. Another regiment dog, Teaser, chased after the squirrel — which soldiers were keeping as a pet — but Harvey picked up the small animal in his mouth and carried it to safety.

The dog was also known for swaying from side to side while soldiers sang campfire songs. Some attributed this to a love of music, though at least one private believed that the music just hurt the dog’s ears.

Harvey was wounded in battle twice, but survived the war, and the soldiers of his unit later memorialized the dog in a portrait and on keepsake buttons.Advertisement

For the second year, The Huffington Post is holding a week-long, community-driven effort to bust the myths and raise awareness about pit bulls, a maligned “breed” that often bears the brunt of dated, discriminatory legislation that can make it near-impossible for these dogs to find a forever home. You can follow along with HuffPost Pit Bull Week here, or on social media where well be using the hashtag #PitBullWeek.

Did you know the first dog to ever drive cross country was a pit bull? His name was Bud. A man named Horatio Jackson bet his wife that a car could make a cross country trip. You have to remember at this time very few people owned cars. Horatio has wanted a dog companion and met Bud in Idaho and bought him for $15. Bud became the mascot of the trip, even a celebrity. Since the car had no windows Bud got his own special pair of goggles which are on display at the Smithsonian.

In fact, pit bulls were so loved in the United States that they were used as a symbol of American pride.

They were used in the military too. The most well-known was Sergeant Stubby, the most decorated war dog to have served. Sergeant Stubby warned his troops of incoming attacks and even held a German soldier captive. His jacket and medals are on display at the Smithsonian.

Keller with one of her dogs, Sir Thomas, or as she called him, Phiz. Phiz went with Keller to lectures at Radcliffe and would wait with her until class was over.

Although “pit bulls” were bred for fighting, their breeding made them intelligent, loyal and kind, so when English people immigrated to the United States they brought their pitties with them to work and be family pets.

The move is not sitting well with some pet owners, since its their dogs being booted from military housing. But there is a chance some of the dogs could stay.

The Marine Corps new rule has its critics. Animal rights activists are concerned this new ban will mean more abandoned dogs that have nowhere to go, which they say could pose an even greater danger.

“We dont want to see them ending up in shelters or ending up in rescues,” Palika said.

For Marines on base who already own a pit bull, Rottweiler or wolf hybrid, their canine will be put to the test to verify they are not a threat. Its a policy that has many dog owners anxious they may have to give up their pets, and animal rights activists angry that this may do more harm than good.

Last month the U.S. Marine Corps enacted a new rule banning pit bulls, Rottweilers and wolf hybrids from Marine Corps bases for safety reasons.

Military vet and his pit bulls are changing misconceptions about dogs — and people | GMA