How do I give my dog Droncit? The Ultimate Guide


Cats (over 6 weeks of age), Dogs (over 4 weeks of age)

PrecautionsStrict hygienic precautions should be taken when handling dogs or feces suspected of harboring

ANIMAL SAFETY: The safety index has been derived from controlled safety evaluations, clinical trials and prior approved use in foreign countries. Dosages of 5 times the labeled rate at 14 day intervals to dogs as young as 4 weeks did not produce clinical signs of toxicity. No significant clinical chemistry, hematological, cholinesterase, or histopathological changes occurred. Symptoms of gross overdosage include vomition, salivation, diarrhea and depression.

PREGNANCY: Droncit® (praziquantel) has been tested in breeding and pregnant dogs. No adverse effects were noted.

ACTION: Droncit® (praziquantel) is absorbed, metabolized in the liver and excreted in the bile. Upon entering the digestive tract from the bile, cestocidal activity is exhibited.1 Following exposure to praziquantel, the tapeworm loses its ability to resist digestion by the mammalian host. Because of this, whole tapeworms, including the scolex, are very rarely passed after administration of praziquantel. In many instances only disintegrated and partially digested pieces of tapeworms will be seen in the stool. The majority of tapeworms are digested and are not found in the feces.

USE DIRECTIONS: Droncit® (praziquantel) Canine Cestocide Tablets may be administered directly per os or crumbled and mixed with the feed. The recommended dosage of praziquantel varies according to body weight. Smaller animals require a relatively larger dosage because of their higher metabolic rate. The optimum dose for each individual animal will be achieved by utilizing the following dosage schedule:

Droncit® (praziquantel) Canine Cestocide Tablets may be administered directly per lbs or crumbled and mixed with the feed. The recommended dosage of praziquantel varies according to body weight. Smaller animals require a relatively larger dosage because of their higher metabolic rate. The optimum dose for each individual animal will be achieved by utilizing the following dosage schedule:

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