Is it normal for a male dog to have one testicle? Find Out Here

If the testicles aren’t in the scrotum, where are they?

In most cases of cryptorchidism, the testicle is retained in the abdomen or in the inguinal canal (the passage through the abdominal wall into the genital region through which a testicle normally descends). Sometimes, the testicle will be located in the subcutaneous tissues (just under the skin) in the groin region, between the inguinal canal and the scrotum.

In cases of abdominal cryptorchidism, the testicle cannot be felt from the outside. An abdominal ultrasound or radiographs (X-rays) may be performed to determine the exact location of the retained testicle, but this is not often done before surgery, as it is not required to proceed with surgery. Typically, only one testicle is retained, and this is called unilateral cryptorchidism. If you have a dog that does not appear to have testicles but is exhibiting male behaviors, a hormonal test called an hCG stimulation test can be performed to see if he is already neutered.

What are the signs of cryptorchidism?

This condition is rarely associated with pain or other signs unless a complication develops. In its early stages, a single retained testicle is significantly smaller than the other, normal testicle. If both testicles are retained, the dog may be infertile. The retained testicles continue to produce testosterone but generally fail to produce sperm.

One complication of cryptorchidism is spermatic cord torsion (twisting onto itself). If this occurs, there will be signs consistent with sudden and severe abdominal pain. More frequently, a retained testicle will become cancerous. The clinical signs associated with testicular cancer depend upon the specific type of cancer.

Most likely, your dog has two testicles. However, only one of them is visible. The other testicle is “undescended,” meaning not in its proper place. Undescended testicles most commonly are located under the skin of the dog’s groin, although sometimes they are inside the abdomen. The syndrome occurs frequently in dogs. It is less common in cats.

Stuck Testicle in Abdomen

An undescended testicle is also called cryptorchid or monorchid. By the time most puppies go home between 8 and 12 weeks old, the male puppy will have both testicles descended into his scrotal sac. Interestingly, northern breeds and some working dogs seem to delay dropping their testicles. Most huskies do not “drop” their testicles until they are 4 or more months old.

The undescended testicle can be located anywhere in the dog’s body between his kidney and just inside the inguinal ring near his flank fold.

The problem with a retained testicle is it can easily become cancerous. Several years ago, when I was in private practice, I had a older canine patient with chronic illnesses; but his blood work and other diagnostics were always normal. One day, the owner asked me if the problem could be because his dog had a retained testicle.

I was shocked! The dog was castrated – I thought – and so had the two veterinarians before me. Apparently, he was castrated but, for some reason, the dog had a retained testicle that was never removed.

At this point, the owner elected to have his dog undergo surgery. In surgery, I did indeed find the missing testicle. It was the size of a grapefruit and weighed almost 2 pounds! The best news was after surgery, this particular dog felt so much better, and his health issues were resolved.

Conventional veterinarians recommend waiting to see if the testicle will come down. In most cases, the missing testicle is expected to descend into the scrotum by the time the dog is six months old, one year at the very latest. Conventional recommendations suggest surgical removal of the missing testicle if it has not appeared in the scrotal sac by one year of age. And certainly, if the dog is castrated, it is best to recover the missing testicle at that time.

(These days, it is customary care to ensure both testicles are removed; leaving a testicle in the abdomen is now considered unacceptable.) Fortunately, there are alternative treatments available. There is a Chinese herbal formula, Epimedium Powder, that has worked in some dogs to encourage the testicle to drop. Acupuncture can also help rebalance the body, working synergistically with the Epimedium Powder.

For many dog owners, it is preferable to try natural methods first; therefore, if surgery is the only option you’ve been offered, you now have the added option of a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal formula to try. There are few contraindications to trying the Chinese herbal formula first – very rarely a dog may develop diarrhea with the herbs.

Retained testicle can become a life-threatening concern. The sooner it is addressed and corrected the better. Natural methods using Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal formulas improve many patients’ quality-of-life and can help avoid major surgery.