Your How do I train my dog to pee on the rocks? A Comprehensive Guide

Does vinegar attract dogs to pee?

It has an acrid smell that is not particularly appealing to humans, but it is a natural smell which your dogs definitely won’t like. Vinegar can be used straight from the bottle to spray or sprinkle.

Keep the Area Clean

Its important to keep your dogs toilet area clean. You can leave one pile in the area during training to let your dog know thats the right spot, but make sure not to leave any more than that. If the area gets too soiled, your dog may look to relieve itself somewhere else.

Why Should You Train Your Dog to Go Potty on Command?

Training a dog to go potty on command can be very helpful in many circumstances. For instance, many dog owners may find it helpful during the winter when frozen minutes may feel like hours awaiting for Fido do his business! And what about in summer when youre enduring scorching heat, giving blood donations to pesky mosquitoes? Or when traveling, when its time to leave but your dog needs to go? Dogs do not generalize well, which means a dog who is used to going potty on the grass may have a hard time going potty on gravel, or a dog used to potty off-leash may have trouble going potty when on leash. Stopping a journey for a potty break with a dog who does not want to do its business may put a significant dent in your travel plans.

By teaching them the action of going potty on cue, you will help your dog generalize, upping their chances of going in areas that do not look very familiar. The dog will therefore hear the familiar command and associate it with the process of eliminating. The familiarity of the command helps bypass the unfamiliarity of different places and different surfaces. Best of all, once your dog learns this command well, going potty becomes almost a reflex, where your dog just does it without much thought involved.

Training your dog to potty on command works just as any other command, so start training in a quiet place with little distractions then, once your dog has reliably learned the command, you can use it in other places.

Stop Accidents Indoors With THIS Puppy Potty Training Plan

By putting the action of going potty on cue, you will help your dog generalize, upping the chances for going in areas that do not look much familiar.