Yelling affects training
Another reason to stop yelling is the fact that it affects the way your dog responds to your commands. If you constantly yell, your dog doesn’t understand what is important. Dogs hear better than humans and both yelling and repeating yourself actually work against you. After a while, your dog will start to ignore your commands. Train your dog like CIA agents do and teach her to respond to commands when your voice is in a conversational tone.
The study, which was lead by scientist Ana Catarina, compared the behaviours of two different groups of dogs: one group came from reward-based training schools and the other came from punishment-based training schools. They took saliva samples from each group of dogs before and after training to test them for the stress hormone, cortisol.
‘Unless your dog is about to run into a busy road and come to serious harm, I wouldn’t ever use any form of harsh voice,’ she added. ‘Instead, it’s about rewarding good behaviour, not punishing the bad.’
Previously, Lyane Haywood, co-founder of Vet UK, also explained the detrimental results of yelling at a dog, as well as highlighting the fact that owners should actually give their furry friends regular hugs if they want them to learn how to be on their best behaviour.
Research conducted by the University of Porto demonstrated that shouting at your dog and using ‘punishment-based training’ could make them depressed in the long-term.
Their results found that the dogs from the punishment-based training group showed more signs of stress, lip-licking and yawning, while the others showed no changes in their cortisol levels. Similarly, the dogs from the reward-based training ran excitedly to the food bowl, while those from punishment-based programs moved much more slowly to the bowl, unsure of whether to take the food or not.
Yelling is confusing
Most dogs understand only a few words. They pay more attention to the tone and pitch of your voice. Yelling at your dog is more likely to confuse her and cause her to react in a hyper or aggressive way because she’s trying to match your behavior. A classic example of this is when you yell at your dog to stop barking. The dog focuses on the fact you are yelling rather than the words you are saying. The dog thinks you are barking, too, and will likely only bark louder.
Stop Yelling At Your Dog Dog Training Myth Positive Methods Dog Training
It can be seemingly overwhelming at times when learning how to interact with your dog. It is also incredibly overwhelming to learn how to discipline or train your dog. In moments of frustration, many people tend to either intentionally or accidentally yell at their dog. This is actually something that you should never, ever do to your dog in anger or frustration. There are several reasons behind this. This article will list out the reasons that you should never yell at your dog. There will also be alternatives to convey your message to your dog without yelling at them.