How do you train a dog to go on a pee pad? A Comprehensive Guide

The directions on your puppy or dog’s pee pads are simple and effective, yet some dogs require a little more attention to training on a pad. Here are the eight most common training mistakes to avoid when using or training with a dog pee pad:

Dogs, especially puppies, are not people and they don’t understand exactly what you want them to do. They may soil a puppy pad at the edge rather than relieve themselves. They may wander off and soil your carpet or wood flooring. They may go inside their crate. Don’t punish them. They have no idea what they’ve done wrong and will work extra hard not to get caught again. Spanking or hitting your pup, rubbing their nose in the mess, scolding or physically intimidating her will confuse and scare your dog. It might also make her afraid to eliminate near you when outside, especially on a leash!

It might sound strange to have your puppy on a six-foot leash when they’re inside and out of their crate, but it’s not. Puppies are masters at slipping away and “having accidents.” By keeping your puppy on a leash when they’re inside, but out of their crate they learn:

Whether it’s “Hurry up,” or “Go potty,” or “Do your business,” dogs become housebroken more quickly when you associate a phrase with the potty process. And, as they get older, most dogs will actually “go” on command if you’ve taught them a phrase as a puppy. Think about that next time you’re dreading walking your dog at midnight in the rain or freezing temps. Being able to step outside and say, “Get busy,” (or whatever your designated phrase is) and have them immediately comply, is a dream come true for any dog owner. So use a consistent phrase and repeat it each time you take your dog out or place them on a pad.

Yes, some dog pee pads, such as WizSmart, have an attractant that only your dog can smell, but they still need to be introduced to the pad in the beginning. It will take a few times for them to get familiar with the pad, so be patient and praise them when they get it right. To introduce your pup to the pad, put them on a leash so they don’t wander, and then lead them to the pad. Use your “go potty” phrase and keep them there until they use it. Make sure you take them to the pad immediately after eating, every 10-20 minutes after playing hard, and when they first wake up, and before they go into their crate at night.

Not all Dog Pee Pads are Created Equal!

With enough training and patience, these dog pee pads will become the new “it” place for your pup to relieve itself. In your pup’s eyes, all dog pee pads will seem the same. But do you know who will care a lot about their pads? You: the one who’ll have to purchase, place, and clean them all up!

So before we get into the “How To’s” of training, let’s talk about choosing the right doggy pee pad that’s best for our pups, our homes, and our budgets.

How do you train a dog to go on a pee pad?

When looking for a pee pad, the two things you want to test are how absorbent they are, and if they are odor eliminating. When dealing with urine in your home, you want to make sure that it isn’t leaking onto your floors, stinking up the place, or leaving yellow stains that are unpleasant to look at.

Who wants to see a white pee pad on the floor that is covered in yellow, stinky stains — especially when guests come over? Not us! That is why we recommend black, ultra-absorbent, odor-eliminating pee pads. What used to be a “luxury” item is now becoming the standard for your dog’s daily routine.

Whether you’ve just brought home a new puppy or you’re looking to make things easier for an older dog who needs just a little more help, puppy pads can be a convenient solution for both of you.

Depending on your dog’s age, breed, and personal preferences, potty training can take a while. But if you’ve gone through the pros and cons of pee pads and decided that they’re the best way, well, to go, with patience and active training, you and your pup can achieve pee peace.

Whenever your dog looks like they need to go, take them quickly to the pad. While they’re using it, it’s helpful to repeat a verbal cue that they’ll eventually associate with the act. Something as simple as “go potty” can do the job. This prompt serves as a reminder of when and where they can go if your dog gets confused later.

There’s a learning curve when it comes to using puppy pads. If your dog goes to the bathroom somewhere in your home besides the pad, bring them back to the pad immediately and stand there for a few minutes while repeating your verbal cues. Yelling or negative punishment is counteractive; all it does it is teach your dog to go in secret or hide the evidence. Just be sure to clean up the soiled area thoroughly with an enzyme-based cleaner so your pup won’t follow any lingering scents and return for round two later.

And if things come to a standstill, sometimes it’s the pup, not the pad. If training has been going well, but your dog finds themselves a little stuck, it may be a sign of something other than the pads not working out. Check out our tips to determine the cause and get things moving again.

How To Potty Train A Puppy on Pads

The directions on your puppy or dog’s pee pads are simple and effective, yet some dogs require a little more attention to training on a pad. Here are the eight most common training mistakes to avoid when using or training with a dog pee pad:

Whether it’s “Hurry up,” or “Go potty,” or “Do your business,” dogs become housebroken more quickly when you associate a phrase with the potty process. And, as they get older, most dogs will actually “go” on command if you’ve taught them a phrase as a puppy. Think about that next time you’re dreading walking your dog at midnight in the rain or freezing temps. Being able to step outside and say, “Get busy,” (or whatever your designated phrase is) and have them immediately comply, is a dream come true for any dog owner. So use a consistent phrase and repeat it each time you take your dog out or place them on a pad.

Yes, some dog pee pads, such as WizSmart, have an attractant that only your dog can smell, but they still need to be introduced to the pad in the beginning. It will take a few times for them to get familiar with the pad, so be patient and praise them when they get it right. To introduce your pup to the pad, put them on a leash so they don’t wander, and then lead them to the pad. Use your “go potty” phrase and keep them there until they use it. Make sure you take them to the pad immediately after eating, every 10-20 minutes after playing hard, and when they first wake up, and before they go into their crate at night.

Whether it’s a new human baby or a new puppy, all new parents have to learn their baby’s body language, cries, or how they communicate their needs. Puppy parents are no different. If you want to learn to potty train your puppy quickly, learn what cues they give off when they have to go. That’s your cue to put down a potty training pad or lead them to where the pad is.

It might sound strange to have your puppy on a six-foot leash when they’re inside and out of their crate, but it’s not. Puppies are masters at slipping away and “having accidents.” By keeping your puppy on a leash when they’re inside, but out of their crate they learn:

Estimate your pup’s hold time by converting her age in months into hours she can hold her pee. For a sleeping puppy in a crate, that means that a 3-month old puppy can probably hold it for about three hours maximum. That rule doesn’t apply when your puppy is playing. Depending on your puppy’s age, an active puppy might have to go out as frequently as every 20 minutes. If you’re going to play with your dog for any length of time, try to play outside as much as possible. That way if they need to stop every 15-20 minutes to relieve themselves, they can. Remember to take your dog outside or put them on a pad immediately after eating or drinking.

We get it. No one wants to keep buying puppy pee pads once they’re sure their dog is house-trained. If you’ve had a good week and your dog has gone outside, on schedule, with no mistakes or inside accidents and you’re down to your last box of pee pads, the tendency is to assume you don’t need another box of pads. Here’s the thing. It takes several months, not just weeks, for your dog to truly “get it” when it comes to house training. Things like weather, not feeling well, excitement (holidays, new people in the house) and just having an off day can mean your dog can relapse into puppyhood and have an accident indoors. Keep using pads until your dog hasn’t had an accident in several months. Then, keep a box around for times when they’re not feeling well, or are recuperating from surgery or illness.

Dogs are like people. They like to be noticed and praised for their efforts—including any time they’re learning a new skill. For puppies, this means going potty. Every time your puppy does what you want them to, like hitting the center of the potty pad, or holding it until they get outside, praise them and give them a small treat. This tells them that each time they comply, they’re rewarded with a snack and praise.

Dogs, especially puppies, are not people and they don’t understand exactly what you want them to do. They may soil a puppy pad at the edge rather than relieve themselves. They may wander off and soil your carpet or wood flooring. They may go inside their crate. Don’t punish them. They have no idea what they’ve done wrong and will work extra hard not to get caught again. Spanking or hitting your pup, rubbing their nose in the mess, scolding or physically intimidating her will confuse and scare your dog. It might also make her afraid to eliminate near you when outside, especially on a leash!