How do you train a dog to wear sunglasses? Get Your Pet Thinking

Research has shown that long hours in the sun without adequate eye protection can increase the chances of developing eye disease. UV-absorbent sunglasses and sungoggles can help protect your eyes and the eyes of your pet from sun damage. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has set standards for UVA and UVB protection in sungoggles. ANSI requires at least 50 percent of UV rays to be blocked to qualify. Check the label! The ideal sungoggles do not have to be expensive, but they should block 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation. Our labels read “UV absorption up to 400 nm,” which is for dogs with an increasingly common eye disease, Pannus, Doggles are proving themselves very useful. It is well known that dogs with Pannus should stay out of direct sun and get protection from UV light. Doggles are a great alternative for those dogs that cant stay inside during the day. Doggles also provide protection from wind and debris. Whether your dog rides in a sidecar, a motorcycle, or in the back of a pickup, he or she needs eye protection. Most dogs will readily accept Doggles after a short adjustment period. Training your dog to wear the goggles can be accomplished in a small amount of time if you follow these easy steps:

2) When you first put the goggles on them, dont let your dog paw at the glasses or roll to get them off. Reassure your dog that its okay. Then, immediately take them to bright sunlight and let them realize that they can see with them on. Walking around will get their mind off the goggles.

Doggles come in many styles and sizes to fit any breed of dog from 3 pounds up to 250 pounds. Many different colors of frames and lenses are available. Doggles ensures a perfect fit by using two adjustable head straps – one behind the head and one under the chin. The chin strap simply wraps under your dogs chin. They are very simple to use. We care about your dogs comfort. The straps are made of comfortable, plush elastic. The inside of the frames are lined with foam padding. The frames are completely flexible and will bend to wrap around your dogs face, regardless of the shape of the face. We pride ourselves in our customer service. If you are not completely satisfied with your Doggles, send them back for an exchange or full refund of purchase price within 30 days of the original purchase date.

Why does my dog freeze up with the goggles on?

Ask yourself if you went too fast during training

We sometimes hear dogs freeze up once their goggles are on, which is a sign the dog is a bit cerebral and is mainly thinking about this new object on their face. You may have rushed things a bit. Take a step back in the training process and get the dog more familiar with goggles in a scaled, patient way with LOTS of rewards.

Among the most important things we should focus on in dog training is getting our dog to connect with us, that is best achieved when our dogs look into our eyes. Eye contact with dogs connects us on a basic level that can promote a healthy training bond as well as a good overall relationship. Many dogs don’t ever look at their human’s face, let along into their eyes. There are several tricks to achieve this, one that I’ll be posting a video of shortly, but in the meantime there is a simple thing that blocks this from happening.

All too often I see people training their dogs wearing sunglasses. I should make myself clear, the people are wearing sunglasses while training their dogs This might not appear to be a big deal to the average person, but it is a huge deal to your dog. If your dog can’t make eye contact with you, he will be unlikely to look at your face at all. This is important particularly early on in training when we try to “connect” with our dogs.

I’m not sure if you are like me, but when I talk to someone I like to look into their eyes, well dogs feel the same way. It drives me nuts when I talk to someone and they won’t take off their sunglasses. Maybe it’s just me, and maybe I’m like your dog

There have been studies that prove dogs are the only animals that make eye contact and actually look at the whites of our eyes when they connect with us, even apes don’t do that. This “connection” is pivotal in our relationship and can be squashed if you are wearing sunglasses; you end up looking like a giant FLY to your dog! Some dogs may even become spooked by people wearing sunglasses if they stare at the dog for a while.

The point I want to address here is that when training a dog do not wear sunglasses. You are placing a huge barrier between you and your dog and you are not giving him a fair chance to connect and succeed. If it’s a sunny day, you’ll have to bear it, you can opt for a visor or a hat. This is not to say that you can’t wear sunglasses if you’re walking your dog or playing with him. This rule only holds fast if you are training him, teaching him and engaging him, especially when you first begin training (then it is paramount). Giving your dog the target of your eyes gives him the ability to connect with you on a much higher level and allows him to succeed!

How to train your dog to wear sunglasses! (Starring Ninja)

Be sure the goggle introduction is part of a positive experience! Let your dog inspect them instead of forcing them onto their face. Be patient and remember that all dogs are different. Lets get training!

Introduce the goggles slowly. Start without lenses in goggles and reward with food (or another favorite activity) as the dog progresses through associating the goggles with a positive experience. Have them electively bring their face toward the goggles to receive a reward. Add a “cue” or marker word to this for future training – “Gear Up” is our favorite.

Now that your dog knows their cue, work on duration. Slowly increase the amount of time the goggles are on their face. Once you see they are okay with this, add straps. This may only take a few sessions for some dogs, but for others,several days. Be patient and repeat as needed.

Lets get moving now that your dog understands the advantage of wearing goggles. The main goal is to add time and movement by having them follow a line of food on the floor, using luring games, or even practicing tricks or obedience. Once your dog digs their specs, pop in those lenses and repeat the training. You wont have to go as slow as before, but the key is ensuring the lens keeps their perception of the new gear the same. Go have fun!

Now that your dog is a Rex Specs PRO, go get out and start adventuring with them and their new goggles. For more awesome training tips, tricks and advice check out @workyourpack.