Where is the bulbus Glandis on a dog? Expert Advice

How Do You Recognize Swollen Bulbus Glandis?

The bulbus glandis, when engorged, appears as two:

  • symmetrical,
  • round,
  • firm
  • located on either side of the penis.
  • They are further cranial (towards the head) than the testicles and can appear in both intact and neutered male dogs. When the dog is no longer excited, they will completely disappear.

    When a male dog becomes aroused, the penile bone begins to emerge from its sheath. This bone — another unique feature of male canine anatomy — allows the dog to penetrate the female’s vagina. The contact between the penile bone and the inside of the female dog’s vagina causes the male to gain a full erection. Once the penis is fully inserted, the swollen bulbus glandis prevent the penis from exiting her vagina. In this way, the bulbus glandis are responsible for the copulatory tie that connects the two dogs until the mating and ejaculation are complete. The process can take up to an hour, during which time the dogs cannot physically separate — nor should they be separated by force; both the males and female’s reproductive organs can be damaged as a result.

    Owners who are concerned about their male dogs reproductive health should watch for symptoms that something may be wrong. Excessive licking of the area is a good indicator of a problem, including the presence of tumors, inflammation of the urethra, and balanoposthitis — an inflammation of the surface of the penis or prepuce. Discharge from the penis can also be a sign of problems, including prostate disease and balanoposthitis. Swelling on the prepuce, the skin that covers the dogs penis before an erectionm, can signify a wound or dermatitis. This type of swelling differs from the swelling of the bulbus glandis primarily by placement. Whereas this swelling occurs on the skin covering the penis, swelling of the bulbus glandis is seen just behind the base of the prepuce.

    Male dogs have several unique features about their reproductive anatomy, including the presence of the bulbus glandis at the base of the penis. When dogs become aroused, these two small glands swell and appear as lumps under the skin. This swelling is completely normal and goes away as the dog’s arousal fades. The bulbus glandis play an important role in the reproductive process.

    Although swelling of the bulbus glandis during arousal is normal, male dogs can suffer from penile tumors that are not healthy. One example is called TVT. This condition occurs after a male dog comes in contact with a TVT tumor on another dog. The contact can involve mating, licking or smelling. Dogs who have TVT or other penile tumors tend to lick the area excessively to ease the irritation. These tumors can interfere with urination, cause bleeding and break off into smaller pieces — all symptoms that are not associated with swelling of the bulbus glandis. Male dogs who exhibit these symptoms need to be examined by a veterinarian.

    According to the Woodhaven Labradors breeding operation website, new owners of male dogs are commonly confused if not concerned when they notice two swollen lumps at the base of the penile shaft. The good news is this swelling of the bulbus glandis is a normal part of healthy dog arousal and reproduction. However, male dogs can suffer from tumors and other diseases that affect the penile region — such conditions have different symptoms and should prompt a visit to a veterinarian.

    Neutering your dog does not remove his bulbus glandis. The bulbus glandis, also called the knot, is erectile tissue that is located at the base of his penis, and that becomes engorged when your dog is excited. It is completely normal for the bulbus glandis to swell, even after neutering your dog.

    Caryn Anderson combines extensive behind-the-scenes writing experience with her passion for all things food, fashion, garden and travel. Bitten by the travel bug at the age of 15 after a trip to Europe, Anderson fostered her love of style and fashion while living in New York City and earning her degree at New York University.

    Your veterinarian will expect you to follow post-operative instructions. Although neutering is a relatively safe procedure, youll need to follow after-care instructions for a period of 10 to 14 days. Your veterinarian will provide you with information on after-care, including instructions for cleaning the incision, feeding your dog and restricting his activity. There will be no bulbus glandis-specific post-care instructions because the bulbus glandis has no effect on your dog’s neutering. In fact, you may see the bulbus glandis become engorged while you’re inspecting or cleaning the incision. If this occurs, simply ignore the bulbus glandis and continue following your veterinarian’s instructions.

    Although neutering is a very standard procedure and oftentimes quite safe, responsible dog owners should still watch for symptoms of complications. If you notice your dog is excessively licking his genitals, vomiting or experiencing difficulty urinating, then you need to contact the veterinarian who performed the surgery as soon as possible. These issues can indicate a serious problem, such as urethra inflammation or prostate disease. The bulbus glandis should only be swollen during times of excitement, and this swelling should not last long. Any long-term swelling, accompanied by excessive licking, should be reported to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

    When your dog becomes excited, or aroused, the bulbus glandis swells. A stimulated bulbus glandis looks like two swollen lumps under the skin. When your dog’s bulbus glandis is not swollen, this area is hardly noticeable. This is why some dog owners become concerned when they see the bulbus glandis swell post-surgery. There is nothing to be alarmed about. This is a perfectly natural part of the reproductive process. Despite the fact that your pooch has been neutered, his body is still going to react to stimulation in the natural way. The swelling of the bulbus glandis should fade once his excitement does.

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    Two glands called the “bulbus glandis” are located on either side of the base of the penis. When a dog becomes aroused, the bulbus glandis swell with blood, creating two readily visible bumps.