How much are red nose pitbulls worth? Here’s What to Expect

How to Take Care of Your Blue Nose Red Nose Pitbull Mix

How much are red nose pitbulls worth?

For your red nose blue nose Pitbull mix to thrive and be healthy, you must also know how to properly take care of them and make sure that their needs are met.

Below are detailed tips on providing the best care for your red nose blue nose Pitbull mix.

Expect your red nose blue nose Pitbull mix to be a very active dog. Thus, it is important that you provide them with the necessary nutrients to sustain their everyday running by giving around two to three cups of high-quality kibble.

Do note that the amount of your dog’s food intake highly depends on its size, age, build, and activity level. It is also recommended to have a vet check your pup’s diet.

Moreover, while you may be tempted to overfeed your Pitbulls with treats, especially if they are behaving very well, remember to always limit their treats to a healthy amount as this may lead to obesity.

For an in-depth discussion on how much you should feed your Pitbull, you can check our Pitbull feeding guide.

Red nose blue nose Pitbull mixes, like the other Pitbull colors, have very low grooming needs and do not need specific grooming regimes to keep their coats in the best condition.

Since it is very unlikely for their short coat to get matted or tangled, nor does it require trimming, brushing their coat a couple of times a week will go a long way.

On the other hand, these mixes may need a bath every few months or when needed since they are active dogs and are prone to skin problems.

Likewise, it is also important to brush their teeth at least three times a week to prevent plaque build-up and tooth decay.

It is crucial to introduce proper training and basic obedience to red nose blue nose Pitbull puppies while they are young. This mix is a highly-intelligent dog, so they should be able to pick up on commands easily.

However, do note that these mixes have a stubborn streak that may get in the way. That is why it is best to carry a lot of treats to motivate them and have the patience to keep yourself going.

Likewise, it is also very important to allocate time for your dog to exercise as they are highly active dogs, and they may need to use their pent-up energy.

While they may appreciate running around a fenced yard, you could also benefit a lot from taking them out for long walks and running, as these may also help them socialize with other dogs.

3 Unbekannte Fakten über den Red Nose Pitbull

Ursprünglich wurden sie im Vereinigten Königreich wegen ihrer liebevollen und beschützenden Art gegenüber Kindern Kindermädchen-Hunde genannt.

How Much Does It Cost to Adopt a Pitbull From a Rescue?

The price of a Pitbull from a shelter or rescue will range between $100 and $500. Depending on the age of the dog, the adoption fees may be inclusive of neutering or spaying, as well as vaccine shots and microchipping.

While adopting a Pit Bull will save you a ton of money, you may find it difficult to pick a particular dog with the characteristics you are looking for.

Moreover, it is rare to find Pitbull puppies available for adoption. Adoptable Pits are typically adult dogs or senior dogs.

That said if you do not have any firm preferences when it comes to getting a Pitbull, adopting from a rescue shelter is a very good idea.

How much are red nose pitbulls worth?

If you have decided that you want to get a Pitbull, you might be wondering how much you need to prepare. Aside from the Pitbull dog price itself, you will also need to buy some essential things for your new furry friend.

Here are some of the initial items you need to purchase before you bring home your Pitbull puppy:

  • Food and Treats: There are plenty of options for high-quality dog food for Pit Bulls. You should pick the one that is right for their age and activity level. On the same note, choose a treat that is made of natural ingredients. Also, have your puppy checked to identify if they have a food allergy. A big pack of dog food for your Pit Bull, as well as some treats, will run you about $80 to $120.
  • Food and Water Bowls: A set of feeding bowls for a Pitbull usually has a price range of $10 to $35. Make sure to get one that is food safe and easy to clean. Preferably, opt for stainless steel bowls since they last longer than plastic ones.
  • Bed: It is recommended to invest in a durable and comfortable bed for your Pitbull dog. This will reduce their risk of hip dysplasia and other bone and muscle problems in the future. A decent quality bed will cost you at least $40 to $200.
  • Crate: Just like other dogs, a crate is essential for your Pitbull if you don’t want it roaming around the house, especially when you have visitors. It helps prevent destructive behavior and provides your Pit with security. Crates are also essential for obedience training if you want your Pit to be an ideal family dog. A sturdy crate will run you about $50 to $500.
  • Leashes and Collars: Leash and collars usually come in sets and cost around $20 to $25. There are some customizable ones where you can put your pup’s name and your contact details, but they usually cost more. These are essential, so you can bring your dog for walks in the community and for proper training.
  • Toys: Pit Bulls love chewing on things, especially when they are still puppies. They would surely appreciate some chew toys. You should also provide them with mentally stimulating toys like puzzles and bricks. Typically, these toys cost around $30 to $50.
  • Grooming Essentials: Despite being medium-sized dogs with impressive physical characteristics, Pit Bulls need minimal grooming. You can definitely groom them at home if you have the needed supplies like a dog brush, dog shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, and nail clippers. Collectively, these items will cost you $40 to $180.
  • Deworming, Flea, and Tick Medications: If your dog has a flea allergy or ticks, you will need to treat them as soon as possible to avoid skin infections. The same applies to internal parasites. You would have to get rid of them through deworming. Over-the-counter medications for these parasite issues will run you approximately $50 to $200.
  • Initial Vet Visits: Even though the breeder claims that they have already vetted your Pitbull, you should still bring the pup to a trusted veterinarian. This is to verify that the dog is indeed free from health issues and you weren’t scammed by the breeder. This can cost $100 to $300.
  • Initial Vaccine Shots: Reputable breeders have their pups vaccinated, but if they fail to do so, you must bring your Pitbull to the vet for up-to-date shots. The core vaccines of puppies are against distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis. You should also provide your dog with a rabies shot. These vaccines will cost you roughly $75 to $200 in total.
  • Neutering or Spaying: Depending on the age of your Pitbull dog, it may or may not be neutered/spayed by the time you adopt it. If it isn’t fixed yet, you should prepare around $200 to $250 for neutering or spaying. These procedures are vital in preventing canine aggression due to hormones.
  • Dog License: Licensing your dog can help animal shelters identify them if they get lost. They’ll be kept in the shelter longer because they have an owner. The license also proves your ownership of the dog. Dog licensing costs $10 to $20.
  • Microchip: Similar to a dog license, a microchip can help identify your dog. A chip the size of a rice grain will be inserted into your dog’s shoulders through a non-invasive procedure. This microchip can then be scanned for identification. The price range of microchipping is around $40 to $60.
  • Miscellaneous Supplies: Just as you would for other dog breeds, it is also ideal to allot money on miscellaneous supplies like potty pads, poop scoopers, urine cleaners, etc. These extra items would incur $15 to $30.
  • The table below summarizes all the items you need to purchase initially for your American Pit Bull Terrier:

    Type of Expense Cost
    Food and Treats $80 – $120
    Food and Water Bowls $10 – $35
    Bed $40 – $200
    Crate $50 – $500
    Leashes and Collars $15 – $50
    Toys $30 – $50
    Grooming Essentials $40 – $180
    Deworming, Flea, and Tick Medications $50 – $200
    Initial Vet Visits $100 – $300
    Initial Vaccine Shots $75 – $200
    Neutering or Spaying $50 – $500
    Dog License $10 – $20
    Microchip $40 – $60
    Miscellaneous Supplies $15 – $30
    Total Initial Cost $605 – $2,445

    Of course, if you are a previous pet owner, you might already have some of these items lying around the house. In that case, you will be able to save money.

    Red nose Pitbull price dog 2021 | Red nose Pitbull dog | Red nose Pitbull dog breed 2021

    The Red Nose Pitbull is a variety of the popular American Pitbull Terrier breed. Just like the Blue Nose Pitbull, Red Nose Pitbulls are intelligent and active.

    Unfortunately, they are surrounded by a lot of controversies because they fall into the Pitbull breed, but when trained right they can be sweet, loving and perfect pets. Read on to find out more about the Red Nose Pitbull and whether they’re the dog for you.