What is the best dog to have with a German shepherd? Find Out Here

Protective of Family – Wary of Strangers

When it comes to being naturally protective of their family and wary of strangers, German Shepherds again get 5/5. They’re extremely protective of the ones they love, and not particularly friendly towards strangers.

So, when you bring a new dog around, you’ll have to be very careful that your German Shepherd doesn’t view them as a potential threat. If they do, you might see your German Shepherd becoming aggressive as part of their natural protective instinct.

Just be aware that you’ll need to give your German Shepherd more time to warm up to new dogs since they’re slower to accept strangers.

Dog breeds can vary widely in energy levels, but German Shepherds have far more energy than most. Once again, they’re rated 5/5 by the AKC for their energy levels, indicating that they’ve got boundless energy! Starting to see a pattern yet?

All this energy helps a German Shepherd work all day. It’s one of the many reasons that the breed is so popular for canine employment. But if you don’t find an outlet to expend some of that energy, whether it’s playing games or going for a swim, your German Shepherd is likely to become restless and destructive.

Even after working all day, German Shepherds are so playful that they’ll want to keep playing all evening rather than laying down and relaxing.

That’s not to say that German Shepherds never relax because they do. But you’re far more likely to look over and see your German Shepherd playing than relaxing at any given time, and they’ll probably try to get you to play with them every chance they get!

Because they’re so trainable, it’ll be easier to train your German Shepherd to get along with other dogs than it might be with other breeds; even if your Shepherd doesn’t seem to want to play nice in the beginning.

Their excellent trainability also leads to exceptional obedience, which is another contributing factor in the breed’s overwhelming success at so many canine jobs. Once a German Shepherd is trained, they listen and obey.

When a breed is as popular as the German Shepherd you can be certain that they have some endearing mannerisms with their family.

Even though German Shepherds can definitely be intimidating and imposing, they can also be sweet, affectionate, and loving, though they generally only act this way with their close family.

So much so, in fact, that the AKC rates them 5/5 in the category.

German Shepherds are such lovers that they have at least 25 different ways of showing affection for their family, and I think we can all agree that it’s hard not to love a dog that offers you that kind of condition-free affection!

Breeds Not Compatible With German Shepherds

You might be surprised to know that some of the seemingly obvious choices for GSDs are actually not very good options. They can have mismatched energy levels or incompatible temperaments.

On the other hand, some are so similar that making them share a single household could cause problems.

Of course, there is no one size fits all for a suitable companion breed for every German Shepherd. There are many variables but the personality of each individual dog plays a huge role.

Here are some of the most popular breeds that many incorrectly assume are excellently suited as companions for German Shepherds:

Golden Retrievers are known as sweethearts, so it may be surprising to know that they are not among the best companions for German Shepherds. the problem likes in their lower energy and drive, which won’t allow them to keep up with the GSD.

Nevertheless, some owners say that these two breeds can balance each other out depending on the individual personalities of the dogs.

The Belgian Malinois and the German Shepherd are so alike in many ways, and it is their similarities that make them incompatible.

Both dogs need plenty of socialization to get along with other dogs. Additionally, both breeds are naturally defensive and protective of their owners. So, some rivalry should be expected.

The same is true for Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, and Dutch Shepherds.

As fellow herders, Australian Shepherds have the same energy and drive as German Shepherds, just in a smaller frame.

However, Aussies are much less adaptable to changes in their environment and are much less open to the presence of other dogs. It may be too difficult to keep these similarly high-drive and headstrong dogs in a single home.

The same is true for Border Collies.

Compare the traits of Australian Shepherds and German Shepherds.

Why German Shepherds Are the Ideal Pet for the Elderly

Certain dogs are more ideal for different situations, and it’s important for seniors to be aware of that. Considering the points listed above, a popular dog breed that often is ideal for seniors is the German Shepherd. This breed of dog is fun and friendly, making it a great option for seniors that live around other seniors, have big families, or have young grandchildren.

German Shepherds are a great dog breed for anybody looking for years of joy and companionship. Below are the top 5 reasons that seniors should consider adopting a German Shepherd as their next pet.

German Shepherds are an outstanding breed choice for anyone, however, they are particularly great for seniors who are looking for a calm and docile dog. Like any dog, German Shepherds have their crazy moments, especially when they are puppies, however, German Shepherds typically calm down fast and will remain calm. German Shepherds are often docile and gentle creatures and are rarely aggressive; attractive qualities that make them sociable. Docile dogs are great for seniors who may not have the physical capabilities to deal with a rambunctious dog. Or, if the senior lives in an assisted living community, it’s likely that he or she needs a dog that won’t make a lot of noise and disturb the other residents that are in very close proximity, making the docile German Shepherd a great breed choice.

German Shepherds are perhaps one of the most protective and alert breeds of dogs, this is why they are used as police dogs, seeing-eye dogs, and service dogs. With that being said, seniors who are looking for a dog as a means of security should consider a German Shepherd. German Shepherds will protect their owners at all costs, and this may be particularly beneficial for seniors who are hard of hearing or weak. If an intruder were to try to break in or rob a senior, a German Shepherd’s alertness will keep the senior safe. These dogs are also outstanding pets when it comes to keeping a senior safe if he or she lives alone.

As stated above, German Shepherds are used for police and service dogs because of their alertness; however, they are also used as these kinds of dogs because of their intelligence and ability to be trained. It’s common for seniors to want a dog but may not possess the capability to train one, especially a puppy. Many dog breeds are challenging to train and can turn seniors off from wanting a dog; this is not the case when it comes to German Shepherds.

German Shepherds are easy to train and learn fast, making the lives of their senior owners easier and less stressful. Of course, German Shepherd puppies still have their “puppy moments,” but they are easier to break bad habits than other dogs.

German Shepherds are one of the dog breeds that hardly ever have to go to the groomer, if ever. German Shepherds don’t need to get their hair cut by a groomer, instead, their grooming routine is quite simple; they simply just need to be bathed and brushed. Seniors can bathe and brush their German Shepherd at home, the only supplies they need are:

  • Dog shampoo; ideally one that makes their coat shine
  • A de-shedding/de-matting tool
  • A pin and bristle brush
  • A nail clipper
  • A slicker brush
  • Seniors will be able to save money by not having to take their dog to the groomer often as they can groom their furry companion themselves. However, if bathing a dog is too much for a senior, perhaps the dog is large or fusses about getting baths, seniors can take it to the groomer to get bathed. Seniors will still save money as the dog will not need to get a haircut while there.

    Overall, German Shepherds are a healthy breed of dog. German Shepherds are not prone to illnesses or breathing issues like many other dog breeds; this will save the senior thousands in medical bills. One issue however that German Shepherds are prone to be hip deformity. Hip issues are fairly common in this breed of dog, but if addressed early on in the dog’s life, can likely be fixed before it gets worse. When a senior first adopts a dog, he or she should take it to the vet to get x-rays to see if the hips are in-line and if they are not; to find out what can be done. If a German Shepard does, in fact, have hip issues, it can lead to arthritis; however, there are many ways to prevent arthritis, such as:

  • Making sure the dog is getting the right nutrients
  • Regular exercise, especially in the first half of the German Shepherd’s life
  • Making sure that the dog is at a healthy weight
  • Putting the dog on a supplement that is proven to slow down arthritis
  • GSD!! – 7 Reasons Why the German Shepherd is the BEST Dog in the WORLD

    Dogs are great additions to anyone’s life, however, they are especially great for seniors that are looking for companionship and something to keep them busy. Though any pet is beneficial for an aging adult, dogs are perhaps the most as they have so much to offer. With the various dog breeds available, seniors have many options when it comes to finding the dog that is right for them and their lifestyle.