Are all puppies eyes blue when they open? Surprising Answer

Will My Puppy Keep Their Blue Eyes?

Around 3 or 4 weeks in age, puppies’ final eye color slowly starts to become visible.

Are all puppies eyes blue when they open?

If all the talk of genes and chromosomes becomes complicated, the best way to tell if your puppy’s eye color will change from blue to something else is to look at the parents. If both dogs have blue eyes, your puppy’s eyes may not change.

However, if one of the breeding pairs has a dominant eye color, you can expect your puppy’s eye color to change around the twelve-week mark. That said, a dog expressing a dominant eye color can still carry the recessive gene to help produce a blue-eyed puppy. So, you won’t know until your puppy’s eyes settle.

When Does a Puppy Eye Color Begin Changing?

Are all puppies eyes blue when they open?

Once a newborn puppy’s eyes are open, they look blue. But as their eyesight develops, your puppy’s eye color starts changing.

This is when puppy eye color shifts from blue to brown or green. However, the change doesn’t happen overnight, and it will take a while for the color to resolve itself. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be able to watch your puppy’s eye color darken.

By the time you can take your puppy home at 12 weeks, their eyes should finally have resolved into their adult color.

But not all dogs’ eyes darken.

Mature Eye Coloration

Around 3 or 4 weeks in age, puppies’ final eye color slowly starts to become visible. The most common eye color on dogs is deep brown, so you might notice the chocolatey tones making their way through around this time. However, the process occurs slowly and doesn’t happen overnight. It often takes nine to 12 weeks, starting from this point, for a puppy’s eye color to settle in and “stay.” The permanent eye color change can even happen as late as 16 weeks in age.

When Do Puppies Eyes Change Color From Blue

Have you ever noticed how all puppies are born with blue eyes? Not many people are aware of this, as it’s only really the owners who pay such close attention to the color of their puppy’s eyes. But it’s true, all puppies are born with blue eyes, whether that’s completely blue, or blue tinted eyes.

Given what we know then, when do puppies eye change color from blue to something else? Here’s all you need to know in one handy guide to puppy eye color, and when you can expect the changes to happen.

When do puppies’ eyes change color? Puppies’ eyes typically change color from blue to the final color at the 9 to 12-week point in their development. After this, your puppy’s eyes should now be the permanent color that will remain into adulthood.