Are bark collars ok for puppies? What to Know

When does barking become “not normal”?

As the saying goes, “too much of everything is not good” and therefore, what is not good should be stopped at the earliest possible time. The puppy stage is actually the best time to curtail bad habits so they do not take them when they are adults. Teaching your puppy appropriate behavior from the beginning is a whole lot easier than trying to change what has become a bad habit. While there may be behavior that we may find cute in puppies; the same may be downright pathetic in adult dogs. So while it is normal for a puppy to adjust to the new environment, it is also normal for him to become adjusted in time. A week or two is probably enough adjustment time for him to settle his anxieties and act “normally” . Again too much of something is not good; may it be howling, grunting or whining. Even if the sound may be moderately low, still too much of it is still “not normal”.

The five main classes of dog sounds

So dogs basically make five main classes of sounds: howls, growls, grunts, whines, and barks. Howls attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence. Howls are also used in response to high-pitched sounds, such as doorbells, sirens or sudden loud music. Howls are extended barks usually with the dogs face up. It sounds more like an “ooooooooooh”; and usually monotonous, repeated and relaxed. Growls are used to threaten, warn, in defense, in aggression, and to show dominance. A growling dog usually stays stationary. They growl when they feel they are about to fight for something. Growls are the continuous, short yet fierce sound made by an angry or provoked dog. They usually growl before they attack. When dogs growl; they usually show off their complete set of teeth. Grunts are equivalent to people’s contented sighs. For dogs, grunts are much like snores or sounds they create with their mouths closed or slightly open. Grunts are common greeting and reply sounds for dogs and thus can be considered their normal communication. dog whimpering and whiningWhines or whimpers, on the other hand, are short- or medium-range modes of communication. Dogs whine to showing submission, frustration or pain. It is usually done to get attention. More so it is an attention-seeking behavior; more like crying without tears for humans. Dogs also use this trick to look and sound pitiful, especially if they want to get things or do something. It sounds as if the dog says (with droopy eyes), “Pity me or let me out please”. Barking– the most common of all; is a dog’s normal language for communication. More like talking for humans. They bark to alert or warn others, defend a territory, seek attention or if they simply want to play. It is also used in response to people talking to them, or a way to identify or introduce themselves. Dogs also bark due to boredom, excitement, or when they are startled, lonely, anxious, or teased. Barking is usually quick, like 3-5 times, high pitched sounds that usually stop once they get attention or they do something else.

Since the introduction of the electronic bark-control collar, one of the earliest misconceptions regarding its use is that it’s not safe for dogs. Many owners were concerned that the amount of static stimulation delivered would be too much for the dog to endure, or cause irreconcilable harm. This is simply not true. SportDOG has gone to considerable lengths to make sure that each of its collars is safe for use on dogs. Through an extensive research and development process, and by using the most advanced technology available, SportDOG collars are considered to be among the safest designs on the market.

If worn for more than the recommended amount of time, any kind of electronic collar can be dangerous to a dog’s health. This health concern doesn’t originate from the static stimulation delivered to the dog, but through the possibility of pressure necrosis.

SportDOG® Brand, a leader in the design and manufacturing of some the most dependable and trusted dog-training products and accessories, has taken on the call to answer some of these remaining questions. With over a decade of experience, SportDOG has become a trusted source of information with both dog owners and professional trainers.

To some pet owners, this notion can be concerning, as most don’t set out to keep their dogs quiet at all times. Whether it’s the verbal behavior their dog exhibits when playing with others, or alerting them when needed, such as a knock at the door, completely silencing their dog is not the owner’s end goal. While it’s true that the purpose of a bark-control collar is to curb unwanted outbursts, the effects of the collar are not permanent. Should the owner want their dog to be capable of barking, he or she can simply remove the collar. Over time, the dog will begin to associate its behavior with the collar. With features like 3 selectable modes and 10 levels of static stimulation found in the SportDOG NoBark SBC-R, owners can customize the anti-bark collar to fit their dog’s specific needs, making the transition process even easier.

Reliability, simplicity, and effectiveness are among the reasons to use a bark-control collar, as well as why they’ve become increasingly more common with dog owners in recent years.

Dog shock collars: How they work & why you may NOT want one

Reliability, simplicity, and effectiveness are among the reasons to use a bark-control collar, as well as why they’ve become increasingly more common with dog owners in recent years.

However, when the electronic bark-control collar was first introduced, questions and skepticism regarding its use were brought up by multiple sources. Over time, doubts and concerns regarding no bark collars decreased as users became more familiar with the concept behind the design.

Today, these collars are widely accepted as a common training tool for dog owners. Despite their widespread acceptance, a few common misconceptions remain.

SportDOG® Brand, a leader in the design and manufacturing of some the most dependable and trusted dog-training products and accessories, has taken on the call to answer some of these remaining questions. With over a decade of experience, SportDOG has become a trusted source of information with both dog owners and professional trainers.

Here’s 3 common misconceptions regarding the use of electronic bark-control collars, as encountered by the SportDOG team.

Since the introduction of the electronic bark-control collar, one of the earliest misconceptions regarding its use is that it’s not safe for dogs. Many owners were concerned that the amount of static stimulation delivered would be too much for the dog to endure, or cause irreconcilable harm. This is simply not true. SportDOG has gone to considerable lengths to make sure that each of its collars is safe for use on dogs. Through an extensive research and development process, and by using the most advanced technology available, SportDOG collars are considered to be among the safest designs on the market.

Our newest bark-control collar, the NoBark SBC-R uses Silent Partner™ technology to detect your dog’s unique barking style and delivers a correction only then. By filtering out any external noise, including another dogs bark, your dog receives the most consistent training possible. The collar also features 10 levels of static stimulation as well as 3 programmable modes: Temperament Learning, Progressive Correction and User-Selected. The new collar has a built in safety feature ensuring that if your dog barks 15 times or more within an 80 second period, the SBC-R will stop issuing static stimulation for 30 seconds, and then resume normal operation. Combining these features along with a waterproof and submersible housing makes the SBC-R one of the safest collars on the market.

To some pet owners, this notion can be concerning, as most don’t set out to keep their dogs quiet at all times. Whether it’s the verbal behavior their dog exhibits when playing with others, or alerting them when needed, such as a knock at the door, completely silencing their dog is not the owner’s end goal. While it’s true that the purpose of a bark-control collar is to curb unwanted outbursts, the effects of the collar are not permanent. Should the owner want their dog to be capable of barking, he or she can simply remove the collar. Over time, the dog will begin to associate its behavior with the collar. With features like 3 selectable modes and 10 levels of static stimulation found in the SportDOG NoBark SBC-R, owners can customize the anti-bark collar to fit their dog’s specific needs, making the transition process even easier.

If worn for more than the recommended amount of time, any kind of electronic collar can be dangerous to a dog’s health. This health concern doesn’t originate from the static stimulation delivered to the dog, but through the possibility of pressure necrosis.

Simply said, pressure necrosis is trauma to a dog’s skin (calluses, sores, etc.) that develops as a result of the collar remaining on for an extended period of time. This is caused by human error, and is not a failure of the collar. To prevent this, the collar must be properly fit to the dog’s neck, and rotated to different positions when used for long periods throughout the day. If the collar is too tight, continual pressure from the contact points (i.e. probes) can restrict blood flow to the tissue underneath, causing it to breakdown and deteriorate. Consequently, if the collar is too loose, it can be easily rotated around the neck or moved vertically as the dog raises or lowers its head. In either circumstance, owners need to make sure the collar is properly adjusted and remove the collar if worn longer than recommended, which is generally 8-10 hours per day. When removed, the probes of the collar should also be cleaned with alcohol wipes every 1-2 days to prevent bacteria from developing.