Are BHA and BHT safe for dogs? Here’s What to Expect

FDA Safe, But for Human Consumption

BHA and BHT are designated as being generally safe for use, albeit in limited quantities, in human food and for human consumption.

It is important to bear in mind that there are plenty of foods that are safe for human consumption but should not be given to dogs and other animals. Garlic, for example, is considered toxic to dogs but would certainly be considered healthy for humans.

So, FDA approval does not mean that these synthetic compounds are safe.

Despite the FDA’s position, more and more groups and individuals are pointing to BHA and BHT as being potentially dangerous for consumption.

Studies have shown that BHA, in particular, is a possible carcinogen. In fact, the National Institute of Health has declared that it can be “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”

One of the biggest issues with feeding these products to our dogs is that we do so on a regular basis. The dog has no choice but to eat what we feed it, and we give food containing BHA and BHT two or three times a day, every day. The more exposure a dog has to these ingredients, the more likely that they will suffer some type of ill effects as a result, but we still continue to feed them.

BHA and BHT are two of the worst offenders, but there are other synthetic preservatives that could be doing just as much cumulative damage to our dogs. Propylene glycol and artificial food colorings are some such ingredients.

While it is a natural ingredient, you should also look out for corn syrup. Corn is a cheap, low-quality filler that is used to bulk up foods without costing much. An excess of this product can increase the likelihood of diabetes and may cause hyperactivity in your dog.

What makes the situation worse is how readily available natural preservatives are. Vitamin C and vitamin E are commonly used natural alternatives. Rosemary oil is another ingredient that enjoys the same positive effects without proving dangerous for your best friend.

When looking for natural preservatives, they are rarely labeled as vitamin A or E. Look, instead, for the word tocopherols or ascorbic acid in the ingredient list. These are the chemical names for these ingredients and suggest the use of positive and natural ingredients, rather than synthetic and potentially harmful ones.

BHA and BHT are also part of the list of additives authorised in animal nutrition by the European Union, under the maximum limits set for use in pet food. The authorisation of additives is a very rigorous process and is under the supervision of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxytulene) are two additives that prevent the oxidation of fatty substances and the alteration of colour and other qualities of the products to which they are added. Those additives can be found in pet food but also in human foods, such us frozen foods, ready-made soups and potato chips, for example.

At Purina, we strictly comply with the maximum levels permitted by law to ensure our products are completely safe for all pets.

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)

BHA is primarily used in preserving human and dog/cat foods and is one of the most widely known dog food ingredients to avoid among dog owners and nutritional specialists. It can cause kidney damage and has been identified by the State of California as a possible carcinogen. BHT can be found in embalming fluids, cosmetics, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and much more. It has been directly linked to cancer in dogs and humans.

This is a product found in anti-freeze and e-cigarettes! It is particularly baffling that this would be used in dog food, as anti-freeze is a well-known toxin to animals. It is used to reduce moisture and prevent bacteria growth in dog food, which also reduces the good bacteria and moisture needed to help your dog properly digest the good. This results in intestinal blockage and can cause cancerous lesions in the intestines. Dog food manufacturers claim the dosage is so small that it poses no risk, but we strongly disagree and this is one of the main dog food ingredients to avoid.

TBHQ stands for tertiary butylhydroquinone. It is a fat preservative that prolongs shelf life. It is also used to make resins, varnishes, and lacquers. AND, TBHQ can be used to stabilize select explosive compounds! Studies of TBHQ have concluded its ability to produce pre-cancerous stomach tumors in laboratory animals, and can damage a cell’s DNA. Researchers believe that long-term ingestion of TBHQ may lead to other types of cancers as well.

Propyl gallate is often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT in food, adhesives, lubicants, hair products, and gum and candy. Health issues associated with the preservative are: cancer-causing thyroid, brain, pancreatic, and adrenal tumors, and prostate inflammation.

Corn syrup unnecessarily sweetens dog food and can lead to hyperactivity, weight gain, diabetes, and changes in mood and mentality in dogs. Corn is a cheap filler used in human and pet foods, and does not provide all of the amino acids your dog needs. It also is very hard to digest, just adding one more reason to make this one of the dog food ingredients to avoid on your list.

This is a common preservative found in human and pet food; wine; bleaching agents for textiles; chemicals; pharmaceuticals; and water/sewage treatment. If inhaled, sodium metabisulfite can cause an asthma-like reaction with shortness of breath and coughing. When ingested, a dog could experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, circulatory system problems, and central nervous system depression. If the dog is sensitive to sulfites, sodium metabisulfite can have severe consequences, such as: difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and shock.

This is often used in pet foods to help reduce your dog’s tarter. However, it can be harmful in high doses, and cause digestive problems. This chemical is hazardous to humans, as it can irritate the skin and should not be inhaled or ingested. You can ask your veterinarian to recommend other dental products that are natural and safe for your dog.

Cellulose is plant or wood fibers that are indigestible. Dog food manufacturers use cellulose because it is an inexpensive binder, emulsifier, and anti-caking agent. Humans will find it as well, in items from fast food restaurants, granola bars, processed meats and cheeses, and even foods marketed as healthy diet supplements. It is not a proper source of fiber for you or your pet. If your dog has a food that is well balanced with nutritious vegetables and fruits, they are getting the natural fiber they need.

Ever wonder what the term “animal by-products” actually refers to in your pet’s food? It is meant to provide protein, but really it is just another cheap filler that contains very little protein. It is the remains of an animal carcass after the meat and bones have been removed. We don’t know the animal used or the actual parts that have been broken down and added to the food. Beaks, hooves, hide, hair, and feathers could make up the “animal by-products” in your dog’s food. Animal by-products are very widely used in bargain brand dog food, but this ingredient in particular is one of the biggest dog food ingredients to avoid as it can even contain what is known as 4D meat. That is, meat that comes from animals who were dead, diseased, dying, or deformed before processing. This type of meat is not approved for human consumption and we shouldn’t be feeding it to our dogs, either!

Sodium tripolyphosphate is a water softener used in laundry detergent. It can also be found in packed fish and other seafood for human consumption. And, you may discover this ingredient in fungicide, rodenticide, and insecticide. It is a chemical harmful to the skin and should not be inhaled. Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (a division of the CDC) believe it may be a neurotoxin.

There are several dog food ingredients to avoid and this is not a comprehensive list. Your dog may also have food allergies or intolerances that will need to be addressed with the right nutrition and ingredients. Read dog food labels closely and research any ingredients you do not recognize. You want your dog to live a happy, healthy life. Choosing the right food is crucial.

BHA in Your Dog’s Food | Wag!

Caring pet parents want the best for their furry families. It’s important to them to understand what’s really inside a dog’s favorite treats. But what happens when rumors abound that those treats are hiding a deadly secret?

Industrialization and modern distribution channels have made it much easier for families to meet their pets’ nutritional needs with quality food and treats. Some companies choose food-grade preservatives, regulated by the FDA, to keep their products from going rancid as they are shipped around the world.

Milk-Bone, a manufacturer of popular dog treats, has been adding the compound butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) in FDA-approved amounts to its pet treats as a preservative for years. In a viral video, the compound came under fire as a deadly cancer-causing substance, and viewers were warned that the company’s treats were poisoning animals.

“Standards for pet food ingredient safety are set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Association of American Feed Control Officials, and all of our ingredients meet or exceed these standards,” a spokesperson for Milk-Bone told Snopes. “We add a very small amount of BHA to our treats as an antioxidant that helps to preserve fats and protect against staleness. At these trace amounts, it is completely harmless.”

BHA has been used as an antioxidant in human food since 1947 and added to pet food and livestock feed to slow the decay of Vitamin A, fats, and vegetable oils, according to the National Toxicology Program’s Report on Carcinogens from 1991.

Some warn, however, that it may pose a threat to health. Preservatives like ethoxyquin, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and BHA have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food, the Daily Puppy reports, but the compound could soon be labeled a human carcinogen. Dog Food Advisor maintains that BHA has been already listed as a carcinogen in California.

“Cancer is a complicated problem with multi-factorial origins, including a large heap of genetics and luck of the draw,” Dr. Jessica Vogelsang of Pawcurious told Snopes. “While nutrition is important for health and all treats should be given in moderation, people shouldn’t blame their pet’s cancer on a Milk-Bone they fed it in 2005. It’s not health food, but it’s not exactly a bucket of radioactive sludge either.”

BHA is indeed an artificial preservative, but as a synthetic analogue of vitamin E, the compound has been “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) by the FDA when used appropriately, Pet Education reports.