Are Black Eyed Susans poisonous to dogs? Let’s Explore

Cats need to be kept away from all Lilies! This could lead to a toxic affect to the kidneys. Signs of Lily toxicity in cats include: drooling, vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, urinating more frequent (about 24 hours after exposure), then leading to acute renal failure.

Most spray products or “ready-to-use” are likely an irritant and not likely to cause serious symptoms (due to the small percentage). Some products (granular/liquid) do have organophosphates and again to keep a watch out for those! If there are any questions or concerns about a potential exposure it is best to speak to a trained medical professional or Pet Poison Helpline.

Try to keep your dog or cat away from Azaleas, where just 1-2 leaves could cause toxicity to the heart. Signs of Azalea toxicity include: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, trouble walking, tremors, and trouble breathing.

As we see spring coming close to an end we will be welcoming summer soon! Here are some quick spring/summer time refreshers about flowers, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, and cleaning products that can cause risk when exposed.

Plants like Iris, Dogwood, Lilacs, Geraniums, Poppies, Daisies, and Black-eyed-Susan are not likely to cause severe or life-threatening symptoms. Large ingestions of these plants could cause vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, or even lethargy.

Are Black-Eyed Susan Poisonous to Children?

Black-Eyed Susan aren’t poisonous for children, but they can cause contact dermatitis from the stems, leaves, and roots that results in irritation, swelling, or even rashes. The bitter taste of this plant usually means that children will not ingest much, but their mouths and face could become irritated after contact. If a child comes in contact with Black-Eyed Susan, they should remove their clothing to get rid of any hairs from the plant and wash the affected area with soap and water to dislodge any hairs on the skin.

How to keep my dogs from eating my black-eyed Susans?

Since black eyed Susan is known to make your pet fall sick, you may want to take precautions and have your dog know that it’s not safe to eat plants.

Here are a few tricks to help you keep your dog away from eating your black-eyed Susan:

Do Black Eyed Susans come back every year?