Are cones uncomfortable for dogs? Find Out Here

No dog enjoys wearing a cone. Unfortunately, in most post-operative cases, the cone is necessary and prevents our dogs from biting at their stitches. The most common type of cone dogs wear after a surgery or treatment is the ‘e-collar’ or the Elizabethan collar. The Elizabethan collar was named for its resemblance to the Renaissance era style in women’s dress fashion, which was started by Queen Elizabeth I of England.

The first step in how to make a dog cone more comfortable is to keep it on. It might be tempting to take the cone off every time you see your dog struggle. But it is best to be consistent and strict with the cone in order to help them adjust to wearing it and to protect them post-surgery. Only remove it sparingly when absolutely necessary. Most dogs will eventually learn how to maneuver and get along just fine with their cone. A little extra encouragement by way of attention can help your dog feel a little less worried about the contraption around their head.

Regardless of what type of cone you use, or how easy you make navigation and eating for your dog, they will likely still be somewhat uncomfortable in their cone. This is normal, and it’s best to be patient because usually, they won’t have to wear the cone long term if they are healing properly. However, if the cone is becoming an area of concern, check with the post-op vet for more advice. If you’re looking for a compassionate vet in the Gilbert, AZ area, give us a call at East Valley Animal Hospital. We pride ourselves on having respectful, caring interactions with our clients and their pets. And we’ll do everything we can to make your pet’s visit as comfortable as possible. To schedule an appointment, call 480-568-2462 or contact us online.

One of the biggest difficulties dogs and their owners face in learning how to make a dog cone more comfortable is making eating, drinking, and sleeping as easy as possible. The cone can certainly make these tasks more difficult, but they are entirely possible with the cone on. If they are having difficulty with a deep bowl you can help them out by using a shallow bowl and by steadying it while he eats or drinks. Make sure that their water is in a very accessible space, away from cabinets or walls that might prevent your dog from being able to drink freely when they want. If your dog typically sleeps in a kennel, guiding them in and out may help prevent them from getting stuck in a tough position.

The traditional cone you get from the vet may not always be the best fit for your dog. Fortunately, there are more options now! Some dogs manage well with a cone and will stand the extra nuisance for a few days. Other dogs may become depressed or detest wearing the cone and take every opportunity to get rid of it. There are several alternatives to the typical e-collar, such as a soft cone or an inflatable e-collar. Regardless of what you use, make sure it properly prevents your dog from scratching or licking themselves and that it is correctly fitted for their size.

How Long Dogs Should Wear the Cone

A cone should stay on for about a week while your dog is healing. “Usually about seven to 10 days is all you need,” Ochoa says. The cone needs to stay on the entire time the dog is healing, especially if you wont be around to watch her.

You can consider taking the cone off during walks, or try using a longer leash until the dog becomes spatially aware of whats around them while wearing the cone.

Before you stop using a cone, check in with your veterinarian that its ok to do so. “Make sure everythings healed,” Ochoa says.

Note: The cone is on long enough that youll need to do a little care and cleaning of it. Use soap and water on a rag to periodically wipe it down to avoid funky smells.

By leaving the cone on when they’re asleep (and in effect, when you’re asleep and can’t watch them), you 100% ensure this doesn’t happen.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Yes – dogs can sleep, eat, drink, pee, and poop with a cone on. In fact, the stricter you are with the cone (officially called an Elizabethan collar or E-collar for short), the quicker your dog will get used to it. Plus, leaving the cone on at all times is one of the best ways to ensure they heal as quickly as possible.

Depending on how bad the damage is, treatment could require rinsing the open area, cutting out damaged tissue, and re-stitching the entire incision. The potential harm that can be done in a few minutes of “freedom” from the cone of shame is not worth the risk of causing more harm to your dog and ultimately prolonging their discomfort (not to mention the money that extra trip to the veterinarian is going to cost you).

With that said, if your dog absolutely cannot stand the cone, there are certain E-collar alternatives (as well as tips and tricks) that can help make your dog more comfortable while still achieving the same purpose.

Despite the stubbornly persistent myth that animal saliva speeds up healing, licking an incision is a sure way to interrupt the healing process. A dog licking their wound or chewing on their skin could cause them to inadvertently rip out their stitches, which could then reopen the incision or wound and introduce bacteria into it, which could cause a secondary infection.

Dog Cone Care Tips