Do you have what it takes to own a herding dog?
I was at an outdoor event the other day and was watching a man with an Australian Shepherd navigate through the crowd. The dog was visibly anxious and distressed. He was pulling to the right and left…doing a little yelp/whimper thing, wide-eyed and nervous. I could tell the owner was good to the dog, but the dog was obviously struggling with some issues that his owner was oblivious to. This well-intentioned owner probably has no idea that he is most likely the cause of his dog’s somewhat neurotic behavior. Unfortunately, too many herding dogs are limited to being “just a pet” and are grappling with anxiety-related issues spurred by owners who know little about their needs and requirements.
I personally would love to have a super-smart Border Collie, but I know I do not have the kind of lifestyle that this magnificent dog would need. A Border Collie, as well as all others in the herding group, do best in a home with lots of activity and energy and are great for families who enjoy exercise and outdoor activities. They need owners who are committed to doing more than just taking them on a walk around the neighborhood. “Normal” walks and a backyard to play in is really not enough… unless you intend to walk 5 miles twice a day and play games with him in the yard for an hour each day! If you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog, look elsewhere. These pups need highly-involved owners.
How to Train a Dog to Herd
Herding success is rooted in a dog’s relationship with the animals it is herding and its handler. A relationship that Amanda describes as “complicated and fun.”
“You build and build a complicated language between a handler and a dog,” she explains.
“A dog has to trust you to be a good co-partner so if they think that you make intelligent decisions about the sheep their trust gets built up over time…. And soon they start to do things that you want them to do when you want them to do it instead of when they feel driven to do it.”
One of the hallmarks of a great handler-dog pair is two-way communication. By its attitude, speed and body language a dog can tell the handler how the livestock are responding and how best to move them. A handler can then respond accordingly.
Says Amanda, “In a great run there’s more of a conversation on the go than there is of a handler bossing a dog around.”
Variety of Herding Dog Training Styles
Amanda strives to have a “lyrical” approach, where her dog can be fluid and responsive to the sheep. “I like to see somebody free their dog up on the front line. Not just a stop and go,” she says.
She also emphasizes that herding is about managing the stock and is not an obedience exercise.
“Often people go to trials and they say, “Oh that person said lie down and the dog didn’t lie down.” No, but it hitched… up its pace and slowed down and took the sheep at a slower pace and that was really the point of the command.”
Herding dogs are very specialized. They have been bred for generations for the specific qualities needed to gather, herd and protect livestock. And different breeds are more suited to different types of stock. For example, border collies reign supreme when it comes to herding sheep.
Just a few of the many herding dog breeds include:
Note that there are dozens more herding breeds. This is just a short list of some of the popular herding breeds around the world.
Also, just because a dog is classified as a “herding breed” doesn’t mean it will be a herding dog. Just like there are some Labradors who don’t like water and won’t fetch a thing.
Border collie puppy with a wolfhound
Amanda notes that it is very difficult to judge puppies. She advises people to look at the working records and styles of the parents.
Then she says, “You have to get a pup up to about a year old and then work it out with the stock and see how it pans out for you. Every dog has a different work style.”
As a handler becomes more experienced, they come to understand their own style and what type of dog works best for them.
“Suddenly you start seeing different traits in dogs that appeal to you and things that work maybe with your character a little better,” says Amanda.
Another option is to adopt an older dog who has experience with herding.
Amanda explains, “A handler might get to a place where they have some good very talented young dogs coming up. They know they don’t have too much time left for an older dog and they might sell it on to the right home… It will really help bring you along as a handler.”
Handlers and dogs put their herding skills to the test at sheepdog trials. Trials take place across North America.
At a trial, a dog and handler move a small herd of sheep (usually three to six animals) around a pre-determined course.
Amanda Milliken with her border collie Howell after winning Meeker Sheepdog Trial
Competition levels include novice (for less experienced dogs), pro-novice (an experienced handler with a young dog or an inexperienced handler with an experienced dog) and open (for everyone). Each level requires different skills.
Herding Dogs – Can You Unlock Your Dog’s Secret Power?
Training a young herding dog is an exciting and nerve-racking experience. It’s hard to believe that such a clumsy, comical little pup will ever become a useful partner in your livestock operation. But when you see that young dog transform into an intense, quivering bundle of concentration as it turns on to stock for the first time, I guarantee your heart will leap.
There is absolutely nothing like the power of a herding dog’s natural instinct to work. That’s why it’s heartbreaking when your pup doesn’t turn out the way you hoped. If you don’t start its training right, that dog could become a liability.
First, keep your puppy away from dangerous or counterproductive situations. Avoid any contact between your young dog and livestock unless it’s under your supervision. It’s fine to get a pup used to being around your animals while you’re doing chores, as long as you can keep it safe and out of trouble.
It’s too easy for the dog to escape and get at the stock if you’re not attentive, and the result could be a disaster. Either the dog will get hurt and become fearful, or it will think it’s OK to harass or injure your stock.
Begin training your dog only when it’s mature enough to withstand the physical and cognitive rigors of training—usually 10 to 12 months old, though it depends on the individual dog. If you’re having problems early on, don’t get mad at the dog. You may need to wait a few weeks until it’s more mature.
Before you start training on stock, have a solid recall on your dog. If you can’t call it off when it’s chasing your sheep through a fence toward the highway or hanging by its teeth from a calf’s ear, you’re in trouble.
A young dog is so excited when it first starts working stock that it may not listen, but a stern command that it’s been well-trained to obey will eventually get through to its crazed brain. Some people also train their dog to lie down on command (essential to stopping or calming the dog and livestock) before training begins, but asking it to lie down on the kitchen floor versus out in the pen with sheep racing by yields wildly different results.
When introducing your young dog to the farm, use calm livestock that are used to being worked by dogs. Four to 10 yearlings that are already “dog broke” are a good choice, because an older ewe or cow might challenge a young dog and make it fearful.
Many trainers use a round pen where the stock can’t get wedged in a corner, or they block off the corners in a square pen with panels. Some people work in an open pasture with a mature dog on hand to bring the sheep back before the pup chases them into the next county. Wherever you decide to start, try to set up an area where you can have some control over both the dog and the stock.
You may want to tie a long, thin rope to your dog’s collar so you can walk it up to your stock in a controlled manner and guide it around the stock if it shows any sign of wanting to head right into the middle of them. Once you see that the dog will circle your stock, you can let it go and be able to snag the rope and catch him later if he’s in trouble or about to collapse with exhaustion but doesn’t want to quit.
Don’t expect much from your dog in the beginning. Don’t say anything; don’t correct it. Use a calm, encouraging voice. Make it fun! You want to keep those early lessons stress-free and reinforce the pup’s desire to work.
Each dog matures and handles pressure at a different rate, so wait a few weeks to resume lessons if it shows fear or a lack of interest, is easily distracted, or chases the stock indiscriminately. (Note: If the young dog is eating sheep poop or taking a bathroom break, it probably means it’s nervous.)
A dog that is ready for training should have enough instinct to circle the stock and respond to your body language. If you step in front of the dog as it circles clockwise, it should change direction and circle in the opposite direction. Using the dog’s natural instinct to circle and react to the movement of both you and the stock is what all the early lessons are based on. It should be fun but productive. Dogs have a great way of signaling whether they’re serious or not—if their tails are up, they’re playing. If their tails are down, they’re thinking. Once you see that tail go down, you’ll know the pup recognizes that it has a purpose for interacting with your livestock.
The pressures of training quickly exhaust a young dog. End your session if the dog shows signs of stress, fatigue or inattention. That’s when it misbehaves and learns bad habits. Short, sweet lessons are the best for the dog’s early training. Above all, be patient. Work on a single skill at a time, and have it solid before progressing to the next. If the dog isn’t progressing the way you’d like, it’s usually the fault of the trainer—not the dog!
It takes time and commitment to train a good stock dog. If you plan to train the dog yourself, be aware that it’s easy to make major mistakes with a young dog. It could turn the dog off of herding forever. Do your research and educate yourself. If you are new to working with young dogs, get help from a respected trainer. You want to do the best for your dog. The joy of working in partnership with a good working stock dog and the invaluable assistance they will give you in managing livestock is well worth it.