Are oxtail bones bad for dogs? What to Know

Are Oxtail Bones Safe for Dogs?

Many owners will feed their dogs oxtail bones with absolutely no problems. And, if pet stores sell oxtail bones, that must mean they’re safe for our dogs, right? Well, there are a few risks around oxtail bones and bones in general, even when they’re served raw. The two major dangers are internal damage and dental issues.

Although raw bones are less brittle than cooked ones, it’s still possible for pieces to break off. And, when bones are served alone, with no meat surrounding them, there is nothing to protect our dog’s soft, vulnerable internal organs when they swallow these pieces. The major risks here are internal blockages, but also sharp pieces of bone piercing or scratching internal organs. Both of these problems can be fatal, and will likely need immediate veterinary attention.

The other major problem concerns your dog’s teeth. Raw bones are hard – particularly when there is no meat surrounding them. So, there is a risk that these hard bones will break your dog’s teeth. In some instances, owners even find oxtail bones stuck on their dog’s teeth or lower jaw. Broken teeth will need veterinary attention and will be extremely painful for your dog. This care can be expensive. So, it’s something you must be prepared for if you give oxtail bones to your dog.

Is Raw Or Cooked Oxtail Bone Better For Dogs?

Are oxtail bones bad for dogs?

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The question of feeding raw meat or bone to dogs is still fiercely contested between experts who reel out a dictionary of consequences attached to feeding raw meat and experienced, passionate dog lovers who swear that their dogs are all the better for consuming uncooked steak and bones.

For instance, on the one hand, medical experts say that cooking is highly recommended because pathogens in raw bones could lead to bacteria attacks on a dog’s digestive tract.

But, on the other hand, nutritionists claim that cooking bones cause them to become dry, ultimately increasing the possibility of splintering, damaging dogs’ internal organs. Also, keep in mind that the difficulty of chewing bones increases after cooking.

Conclusively, whether you choose to feed your dog raw or cooked oxtail depends on certain conditions like your dog’s size, dental strength, and preference for raw or cooked bones.

Pros vs. Cons of giving bones to dogs

  • Bones are a great source of minerals.
  • Gnawing a bone helps to clean a dog’s teeth naturally.
  • Bones satisfy your dog’s love of chewing.
  • Giving your dog a bone keeps your dog occupied and provides enrichment.
  • Dog bones: Which are safe for dogs? | Ultimate Pet Nutrition – Dog Health Tips

    Giving cooked bones to your dog can be dangerous, and we strongly advise against it, but it’s a subject that’s hotly debated and divides opinion. So we’re here to give you the pros and cons of feeding your dog bones and why giving cooked bones isn’t a good idea.