Are Whippets quiet dogs? Find Out Here

Whippets aren’t “barking” dogs but watchdogs.

Are Whippets quiet dogs?

That’s why Whippets make great city dwellers and great neighbors. The breed’s name developed from the word “whappet,” an older word describing “a small dog that yaps”. Their watchdog instinct stems from their hunting instinct, so you can say it’s in their blood.

A special note: Sighthounds are very sensitive to anesthesia and other medications. Partly because of their low percentage of body fat, these dogs are extremely sensitive to some very common drugs; what may seem like a normal dose for a dog of his weight could easily kill a sighthound. Thisis certainly not to say that whippets cannot be safely anesthetized or that they should not take prescribed medicines; just be sure that your vet is aware of sighthounds’ special requirements and that he knows which anesthetics are safe.

As a breed, whippets possess many common characteristics that should be considered when you’re deciding whether this is the breed for you. Dogs are, after all, not generic, and a whippet is very, very different to live with than a setter or a shepherd. Following are some of the most frequently asked questions about whippets. Dogs, of course, are all individuals and there are exceptions to any rule, but the answers to these questions will give you a good overall impression of a whippet.

Shedding and allergic reactions to dogs are not really related. People who are allergic to dogs are sensitive to the dog’s dander, not the fur. All dogs shed except for the hairless, breeds. Some breeds are promoted as hypo-allergenic and they do seem to cause fewer problems than other breeds. These dogs usually have dense, curly coats that keep the dander, as well as the fur, on the dog until it’s brushed out or clipped. Whippets are not considered hypo-allergenic. Since they have short coats, they don’t leave wads of hair around the house, but they definitely shed as much as any other dog. This is usually most noticeable in the spring and fall. If you brush your whippet thoroughly once a week, you’ll minimize the amount of fur you find around the house.

A whippet isn’t going to make you famous in the obedience ring, but he is eager to please, and with patience, you can teach a whippet nearly anything! Rough corrections, however, are worse than useless. Hurt your whippet’s feelings or try to force him, and he’ll quit on you in a hurry. You’ll get the best training results with lots of patience, treats, and praise. Whippets are sighthounds, bred to hunt without commands from the hunter. While generally not stubborn, they’re independent and not the easiest breed to train. Don’t let that discourage you: They are very intelligent and all can learn house manners easily, like sit, down, and stay. Some do well with more advanced obedience, including obedience competition. Many excel at lure coursing (chasing a plastic bag pulled by a string) and racing and are also talented in agility and flyball competition.

Whippets are one of the healthiest breeds. They require the same routine care as any dog: trimming toenails, cleaning of ears and teeth, occasional baths. To keep shedding minimal, a light daily brushing is recommended. Dogs must be kept up to date on shots, free of heartworms and fleas, and checked for intestinal parasites regularly.

Whippets can reach speeds of up to 35 mph.

Are Whippets quiet dogs?

Whippets were originally used for hunting, especially before they arrived in America. They are one of several Sighthound breeds that excel in speed-based AKC sports such as AKC Lure Coursing.

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