What breed of dog is a good running dog? A Complete Guide

Tips Before You Start Running With Your Dog

Ease any dog into a running program. Start off at a comfortable pace where you can communicate clearly with your dog. (The last thing you want to be is winded when trying to slow an energetic pooch down on the road.) And start out by doing two to three miles during your three to four runs per week.

Once you have a week or so of running down at that easy pace, try adding 0.5 mile or 10 minutes to your original two or three mile runs during the week. If your dog tolerates the 0.5 mile increase easily, try and pick up the pace or add an extra run on the weekends. After a month of prep work and seeing that your dog can easily handle the base mileage, start trying for a four to five mile/day regime.

Keep in mind, most dog trainers strongly recommend at least one–if not two–days of rest for both you and your dog.

If you can’t get out each day with your dog, consider a dog running program near you. Many are popping up around the country, and professionals know how to get your dog acquainted with the sport. That means when you take them out on the weekend, it will be less hassle for you.

One final tip: If your pup needs a bathroom break, be sure to clean up after them. The runners who follow in your path will thank you!

You will also want to consider the right gear for running with your dog. We have some recommendations below.

We got help from professional dog trainer JT Clough, who cowrote a book about training running dogs; Bryan Barrera, a professional dog runner from Washington, D.C.; Karen London, a certified animal behaviorist who trains and runs with dogs; and the American Kennel Club to give us the lowdown on the best running dogs.

Mixed breeds that you find at your local animal shelter can also be the best running partners you can find. Almost anything with a hint of one of the 20 breeds listed below could be ideal. While there will always be variation within breeds and individual dogs, we hope this list can help you find an ideal running companion.This content is imported from poll. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Long, steady runs; going fast; running on trails

Their medium, well-muscled build often makes this energetic breed a great companion. “They need an extraordinary amount of exercise and mental stimulation,” says JT Clough, a dog trainer and author who focuses on fitness lifestyle in her dog coaching practice, Maui Dog Remedies. “They also want to be right by their person, making the Weimaraner an excellent running partner.”

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Long, steady runs; going fast; running on trails

This medium-size hunting dog is smart and willing to tag along on just about any run because of its high energy. “They are quick, durable runners that have a good top speed, but also have the build to sustain high mileages,” says Bryan Barrera, founder of D.C. Dog Runner.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Long, steady runs; going fast; running in the heat; running on trails

Hope you like getting out the door, because Clough says this breed is usually a ball of energy that should get an hour of exercise each day. “I’d say pound for pound the best running dogs for any type of running,” adds Barrera. “They are so versatile; they can cover a ton of ground because of their long gait and can cruise on autopilot as long as you want.”

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Long, steady runs

This smaller dog, formerly known as the Jack Russell, loves playing and tends to be very eager and active. “They are also hunters, so make sure to spend some time training this breed to run beside you and avoid getting sidetracked looking for prey,” Clough says.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Brisk, short runs; going fast

Greyhounds are known for their work on the racing track, but in regular life they are independent and gentle. They’ll love to run with you, just not for distance. “Some are really only sprinters, so don’t expect all greyhounds to log a lot of mileage with you,” says Karen London, a certified animal behaviorist who trains and runs with dogs in Flagstaff, Arizona.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Brisk, short runs

Usually intelligent and often misunderstood, the Pit Bull can be a pleasure once it knows not to pull when on the leash. (Pit Bull is common name for breeds like the American Staffordshire Terrier, pictured, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.) “They are low to the ground and really excel at the shorter distance,” Barrera says. “One of the rare breeds that look like they are working as hard as you when running.”

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Brisk, short runs

The American Kennel Club calls the English setter a “symmetrical gun dog suggesting the ideal blend of strength, (and) stamina.” It’s also a fairly active breed and enjoys playing.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Brisk, short runs; long, slow runs

Yes, we know they are different breeds, but they generally have similar running personalities. These friendly dogs usually get along with everybody and have big bodies that can go the distance. “Easy to train and extremely loyal, the retrievers will make a great running partner at just about any distance,” Clough says.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Best for: Brisk, short runs

Don’t assume these dogs are like Snoopy chilling on a doghouse roof. This breed often has a mind for sprinting over slogging. They are very active, quick, and require plenty of exercise. Some with a hunter’s mentality have the ability to go a little longer, says London.

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

What breed of dog is a good running dog?

Based on certain qualities, such as endurance, obedience, build, strength, athleticism, and intelligence, we’ve put together a list of breeds that could make good running partners. NOTE: this is not a comprehensive list and any individual dog could potentially make a great running companion.

This energetic breed possesses speed, but also has the build needed to go on a high-mileage run. These dogs thrive with plenty of exercise and love spending time outdoors with their human companions.

Certain breeds can tolerate different weather and surface conditions better than others, so always be mindful of your dog’s capabilities. Have your veterinarian perform a physical checkup to ensure it’s a safe activity for your dog.

Fast and powerful athletes, this breed loves to run. Their natural gait and internal engine make them the perfect companion for longer distances.

This loyal, hard-working breed is strong, well-muscled, and has the ability to run long distances in different weather conditions and on various types of terrain. They are also happiest when they’re with their owners.

The Best Dogs for Running Companions

In this article, we are going to dive into the best dog breeds for whatever distance or running style you gravitate towards.

These Are 10 Best Runner Dog Breeds

Dogs were built to run in packs, just like their ancestor, the wolf. This makes them the perfect running partner. However, when figuring out the best dogs for running companions, there are several factors to take into account.

Below, we’ll get into finding the best dog breeds for running and how to know whether you’re 4-legged friend is built to go long-distance, short-distance, or just for jogs around the park.