Blue Nose Pitbull Blue Eyes

Many pitbull puppies have blue eyes starting around four months old. Over time, however, their eyes will begin to change color since most do not stay blue.

The rest of this article will explain why the blue nose pitbull puppy has blue eyes and how long you can expect it to last.

Most blue nose pitbull puppies’ eyes will not stay blue past four to five months old.

Blue-eyed pitbull puppies are absolutely adorable, but they likely will not keep their eye color for long. If they do, it usually means that they either have a specific gene that can cause other health issues, or they possibly are just… rare!

Unfortunately, a naturally occurring blue-eyed pitbull will come with a hefty price, as they are scarce.

Future pit bull owners can be sure that most pit bulls will still have beautiful eyes, but they will likely be brown or hazel eyes. Some pit bulls may even have green eyes, but they will more than likely not have blue eyes.

When choosing a pit bull puppy, you should not choose based on eye color, as it will more than likely change.

Clarification Regarding the Use of the Word “Pitbull”

Before I begin my discussion, let me first explain that the word “Pitbull” is an umbrella term used to address dog breeds that descended from Bulldogs and Terriers.

They have the same origin and genetic makeup that’s why they are labeled as such. These dogs include the American Bully, the American Pitbull Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier.

In this article, I am going to use the word Pitbull in this context and will not only focus on the American Pitbull Terrier.

A blue-eyed Pitbull is a rare Pitbull variety that is notable for its unusual eye color. They are prone to many congenital disorders and eye diseases than their brown and hazel-eyed cousins due to their genetic makeup. However, many Pitbull enthusiasts still prefer them because their striking blue eyes are really a sight to behold.

It is essential to differentiate these adult blue-eyed Pitbulls to newborn pups who have the same eye characteristic. Young Pitbulls and even other dog breeds usually have a light blue eye color that changes as they mature.

If, for instance, the pup’s eyes did not turn into brown or hazel, only then can it be considered as a rare Pitbull with blue eyes.

Blue-Eyed Pitbull Genetics: How Do Pitbulls Develop Blue Eyes?

You may be wondering what causes blue eyes in Pitbulls. Well, just like its other features, genetics is responsible for this characteristic.

If you are going to search for the color genetics of blue-eyed dogs, you will be presented with very detailed literature that explains its origin. They are confusing and most of the time, too technical.

My goal in this section is to discuss some of the genetic factors that affect eye coloring in a way that is both informative and comprehensive. This will help you realize if a blue-eyed pup is really worth buying.

The Merle Gene controls random pigment dilution in a dog’s coat, nose, and eyes. If you have already seen a pup with intermixed patchworks and an entirely blue nose, this is a typical product of this gene.

Just as this affects the nose and coat, it can also modify a particular dark eye color and make it blue.

Although the ALX4 gene is considered necessary in mammalian eye development, its presence can make a pup’s eyes blue.

This is possible because of a genetic mutation that occurred near the ALX4 involving duplication of DNA of the dog’s chromosome 18.

The melanin production of dogs is also affected by its genes, resulting in a pale brown or blue eye color.

If a puppy has a high level of melanin or the pigment in its iris, there is a higher chance that it will have a darker shade of eyes. However, because of pigment loss or low melanin concentration, the pup’s eyes will turn blue.

Another reason why Pitbulls sometimes possess a blue eye color is because of the lack of Tyrosinase, which is an enzyme needed to produce melanin.

This is extremely rare, but it is possible because of a recessive gene inherited from both Pitbull parents. Albino dogs do not produce melanin, which leads to a colorless coat and an altered eye color.

How Long do their Eyes Stay Blue?

Blue-eyed Pitbulls will begin to change around four months. Around this time, you will likely see your pitbull develop dark brown eyes.

This will most likely be followed by the replacement of a darker, thicker coat around six months old.

Blue-eyed pit bulls are not rare, and their eye color will change over time. Some breeders often try to sell them as rare, but their color will most likely vanish over time.

It’s essential for future pit bull owners to understand that they should not choose puppies with blue eyes, for that quality in itself, as they will disappear.

Most of the time, what makes blue-eyed pit bulls rare is the fact that they have been irresponsibly bred with different genes. It is very rare that pitbull eyes stay blue.

In order to understand what responsible breeding practices are, we must go over irresponsible breeding.

Some breeders have bred pit bulls for a specific coat or eye color. This should always be seen as a red flag since many of those breeders will not take temperament and health into account.

Many of these breeders will also practice inbreeding. This is a big issue and will pass on different health issues for generations.

When discussing blue-eyed pitbull, we should discuss the negative health issues that come with some irresponsible breeding practices, so that future pit bull owners understand that getting a pitbull with blue eyes can be a detriment to the dog.


How much are pitbulls with blue eyes worth?

Can Pitbulls Have Blue Eyes? Yes, pitbull-type dogs can have blue eyes as puppies. In fact, most breeds are born with bright blue eyes that slowly darken as they age. For most breeds, the blue eyes disappear once they’re not puppies anymore.

Do all blue pitbulls have blue eyes?

The Blue Nose color is in high demand and can be quite difficult to find. This makes it one of the most expensive Pitbull colors. You can expect to pay at least $1,000 for a puppy, but prices may run to $3,000.