Botw Tarrey Town Dog

Does the dog in Tarrey Town lead you to treasure?

Tarrey Town is a village located in the middle of Lake Akkala in the Akkala Region. Like other settlements in the game, Tarrey town has a dog that Link can befriend with food. After feeding the black dog, the dog will take Link to a treasure chest.

14 Hateno Village: Silver Rupee

Hateno Village is a peaceful village found in the eastern part of Hyrule. Players find their way here fairly early on in the game for a quest that leads them to Purah at the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Its one of the most iconic locations in the game and lets players take a much-needed breather after being assaulted by the threats of the open world early on.

Hateno Village also has a white dog that the player can feed meat to in order to befriend. After befriending the dog, it will lead Link to a treasure chest with a Silver Rupee inside. It might not be the greatest reward for the players effort, but just watching this pooch get happy at the sight of Link makes it all worthwhile.

4 Lakeside Stable: Forest Dweller’s Spear

Lakeside Stable is located in the Faron Region and has a recipe on the wall inside for Hasty Apple Pie. Its also where Link can start the Thunder Magnet quest if he talks to Cima.

Outside, Link can find a dog to feed and befriend. After giving it some meat or other types of food, the dog will take Link to a treasure chest where he can find a Forest Dwellers Spear.


What do you feed a dog in Tarrey town?

Link can maximize his bond with a dog by feeding it three pieces of meat or fruit, and while he can also earn its trust simply by standing or crouching beside it for long enough, feeding it will make things significantly quicker.

Does the dog in Tarrey Town lead you to treasure?

Like other settlements in the game, Tarrey Town has a dog that Link can befriend with food. After feeding the black dog, the dog will take Link to a treasure chest. Inside the treasure chest, Link will find five bomb arrows.

Which dog do I feed at Snowfield Stable?

You need to feed your doggo friend a total of three snacks (either raw meat of some sort or potentially fruit, depending on the type) before the dog will start to wander off in a direction. Follow the pup, and it will lead you to buried treasure that wasn’t visible before you fed it.