Can a dog break my hand? The Ultimate Guide

Signs of an infection include:

  • Warmth around the wound
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • A pus discharge
  • Redness around the puncture wound
  • Animal and Human Bites of the Hand

    Bites are extremely common and can cause significant pain and other problems, especially when associated with an infection. Early recognition of warning signs and appropriate treatment are key in minimizing potential problems from the bite.

    When an animal bites, bacteria from its mouth can contaminate the wound. These bacteria may grow within the wound and cause an infection. The consequences of infection range from mild discomfort to life-threatening complications.

    Many factors may contribute to the infection, including the type and location of the wound, pre-existing health conditions in the bitten person that impair immunity, such as diabetes, HIV, etc., the extent of delay before treatment, the presence of a foreign body in the wound, and the animal causing the bite.

    There are as many as three million animal bites in the United States each year. Dogs are responsible for most animal bites in this country (up nullto 90%), with cat bites accounting for about 5% of such injuries. Other biting animals include rodents (at least 2%), rabbits, ferrets, farm animals, monkeys, and reptiles.

    Animal bites to the hand most frequently occur on the fingers of the dominant hand of children between the ages of 5 and 14. Women are bitten more frequently by cats, and men by dogs. Infections occur more frequently in cat bites because cats have extremely sharp, pointed teeth that can cause deep puncture wounds. The skin usually flaps over the bite, thereby sealing off the puncture wound, precluding open drainage and allowing an infection to develop (see Figure 1).

    The major concern of all bite wounds is subsequent infection. In the United States, about 1% of dog bites and 6% of cat bites require hospitalization. With swift and proper care, the prognosis is usually very good for recovery from these injuries.

    Rabies is an extremely rare but fatal infection which may result from an animal bite. In the United States, unlike the rest of the world, wild animals such as bats, skunks, raccoons, and foxes spread more than 90% of rabies infection. Report animal bites to your public health department. They may ask your assistance in locating the animal so that it can be confined and observed for symptoms of rabies.

    Human bite wounds contain very high concentrations of bacteria so the risk of infection is high. These infections can progress quickly and result in substantial complications, so early treatment is necessary (see Figure 2). Often, human bites occur when a person’s fist is driven into another’s mouth, such as during a fistfight. After the skin is broken, bacteria are seeded into the soft tissue and the ‘knuckle’ joint, which if left untreated often results in deep infection in the joint which may ultimately destroy the joint. These problems can be effectively treated by early diagnosis, intravenous antibiotics, and surgery to drain the infection out of the joint and wash it out.

    Signs and Symptoms of Animal Bites

    In some cases, the bite will not break the skin but may cause damage to underlying tendons and joints. If the skin is broken, there is the additional possibility of infection as well as injury to tendons and nerves. Dogs have powerful jaws and can cause crushing injuries to bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves.

    How to Make a Dog Stop Biting and Why You MUST Do This

    A dog attack can cause damage to the connective tissue of your hands or limbs, and it can be the reason behind some long-lasting emotional distress. The damage can sometimes be even worse than car accidents, especially if you lose nerve function. You should hire an attorney immediately after sustaining animal bites; this article will teach you why.