How do I disinfect my lawn from Giardia?
The most readily available disinfectant is bleach diluted 1:32 in water. Studies have shown this dilution to require less than one minute of contact time to effectively kill giardia cysts. As for areas with lawn or plants, decontamination may not be possible without the risk of killing the foliage.
How Can Your Pet Get Giardia?
Giardia parasites can be found across the US, in any state at any time of year. However, it’s easier to contract it during outdoor activities, on trips or while at a pet kennel.
When the Giardia parasite is ingested, it feeds off the animal’s intestines and then sheds a hard, contagious cyst along with the animal’s feces. If your pet eats, sniffs, or drinks contaminated water, dirt or other object, they have a good chance of contracting the parasite.
Giardia cysts prefer and can survive for up to 7 weeks in cool, moist environments. In water, they can live for up to 3 months. This makes contaminated water the biggest culprit when it comes to the spread of the parasite.
“I might be drinking water contaminated with Giardia parasites… You really should stop me!”
Young puppies, mature dogs, and dogs with compromised immune systems have the highest risk of developing serious Giardia infections. Meanwhile, healthy adult dogs may come in contact with Giardia and not experience an infection or show any symptoms of being ill.
Plus, according to PetMD, “up to 50 percent of young puppies will develop this intestinal infection. And up to 100 percent of dogs housed in kennels will develop it due to the massive exposure..”
Puppies are at special risk for Giardia and they often have the most severe symptoms.
How long does Giardia live in the yard?
How long does Giardia survive in the environment? Giardia can survive for several months in cold water or soil.
Giardia in the dog and cat. Dr. Dan- what giardia is, giardia symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
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