Can a dog sit on a passengers lap? Find Out Here

Is it illegal to have a pet in your lap while driving?

Can a dog sit on a passengers lap?

Driving with a pet in your lap is not explicitly illegal in many areas. In 2019, only one state, Hawaii, would fine you for having Fido sit with you in the driver’s seat. If caught, you could have to pay a $97 fine. However, according to Paul Giannetti Attorney At Law, driving with a pet on your lap could be considered distracted driving.

For instance, in Connecticut, it would fall under a distracted driving law that clearly states you must not be doing anything other than operating your vehicle. Wisconsin also passed an inattentive driving law that made it wrong for you to be engaged or occupied by anything other than driving.

However, this is changing as we put more effort into distracted driving laws around the country. One example is Florida, which tried to crack down enough that it could be breaking the law to be holding anything in your hands while driving in 2019. It failed to pass, but they did make it illegal to have a phone in your hand.

Driving with a Dog in Your Car in California

We’ve all heard about the dangers of texting while driving, but little do we talk about the dangers of driving with a dog on your lap. At best, you could enjoy a fun and relaxing car ride with your beloved furry friend. At worst, however, you could get into a serious accident resulting in injuries or death. It may seem morbid, but driving with your pet on your lap could do you and your pet more harm than good.

To demonstrate how often people are distracted by their pets while driving, 29% of drivers report being distracted by their dog while driving, while 65% admit engaging in at least 1 potentially distracting activity while driving with their dog, a AAA and Kurgo survey revealed. According to the survey, these distracting activities include:

  • Petting their dog (52%)
  • Using hands or arms to restrict the dog’s movement or hold the dog in place when putting on brakes (23%)
  • Using hands/arms to keep the dog from climbing from the backseat to the front seat (19%)
  • Reaching into the backseat to interact with the dog (18%)
  • Allowing the dog to sit in your lap or holding the dog while driving (17%)
  • Giving food or treats to the dog (13%)
  • Playing with the dog (4%)
  • Taking a photo of the dog (3%)
  • Contrary to popular belief, distracted driving does not only refer to texting while driving. The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) defines “distracted driving” as anything that takes your eyes or mind off the road, or hands off the steering wheel. The OTS warns that other serious driver distractions such as eating, grooming, reading, reaching for objects on the floor, changing clothes, or talking with passengers are just as dangerous and can result in a “reckless driving” or “speed unsafe for conditions” ticket. Driving with a pet on your lap is no exception.

    Although the worst-case scenario of driving with your pet on your lap is a fatal car wreck, another dreadful outcome is a traffic ticket. But not just a mere speeding ticket ― a reckless driving ticket.

    In California, a person is guilty of reckless driving if they drive in a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of people or property on a highway or offstreet parking facility. A conviction for reckless driving in California is punishable by up to 90 days in prison and/or $145 to $1,000 fines. Not to mention, you may get points added to your record. If you have accumulated enough points from prior traffic offenses, your license could get suspended.

    What are the penalties for speeding unsafely for road conditions? As we discussed before, the OTS warns drivers who have their pets on their laps that the police could give that a “speed for unsafe conditions” ticket. This traffic offense occurs when a person drives at an unreasonable speed or disregards weather, visibility, traffic, and other road conditions and endangers the safety of people or property as a result.

    If you’re found guilty, you could pay hundreds of dollars in fines, go to traffic school, and get points assessed to your driving record, which may result in license suspension.

    Dog Seat Belt Laws in CA

    California does not prohibit drivers from having pets on their laps. The state does, however, have laws concerning the transportation of pets in certain vehicles. Under Cal. Vehicle Code § 23117, any animal that is transported in the back of a vehicle “in a space intended for any load” (like a pickup truck) on the highways must be either:

  • cross tethered to the vehicle; or
  • protected by a secured container or cage to prevent the animal from falling, jumping, or being thrown from the vehicle.
  • A violation is punishable by a $50 to $100 fine for the first offense and $75 to $200 for a subsequent offense that occurs within one year of the prior infraction. This doesn’t apply to livestock or dogs being transporting for ranching or farming purposes. The animal doesn’t have to be restrained if it’s in an enclosed space or a vehicle with side and tail racks at least 45 inches high.

    Is it legal to drive with your pet on your lap?

    Keeping your dog safe in the car is your top priority. Many people enjoy having their dogs close to them while driving. In some cases, the dog may even end up in the drivers lap. In other cases, the dog may typically ride in the front passenger seat.

    Unfortunately, many of these locations may not be as safe for your dog as you might hope. There are several key reasons why your dog should not be allowed to ride in the front seat of your vehicle.