Can dogs be allergic to latex toys? Here’s What to Expect

Diagnosis of Latex Allergies in Dogs

The symptoms that your dog will be showing due to either an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis will prompt your veterinarian to collect skin scrapings. This is done so that they can perform a microscopic evaluation of the skin cells, called cutaneous cytology, to search for problems like mites, yeast infections, or signs of disease. When the inflammation is localized the diagnosis can be fairly easy to spot, but with a true allergy, the dermal symptoms can occur on other parts of the body as well. A thorough history about your pet’s health and symptoms can be crucial to an accurate diagnosis. If your veterinarian suspects an environmental allergen, he could recommend a patch test, also known as an intradermal skin test. Miniscule amounts of the suspected antigens are injected under the skin in a particular pattern so that a localized reaction can be induced. Many doctors choose to try to diagnose which allergen is causing the reaction by eliminating suspected allergens from the environment first. This is a more time-consuming alternative, but also less invasive.

Causes of Latex Allergies in Dogs

Sensitivities to latex can take many forms and may progress from mild symptoms to more severe symptoms. The most common reaction to see with early exposures to latex is an irritant contact dermatitis rather than a full blown allergy. The irritation and lesions that are found on the skin due to the chemical and physical abrasions look similar to a mild allergic reaction, but patch test results will come back negative for an immune response. Repeated exposure will often cause irritant contact dermatitis to develop into allergic contact dermatitis, which involves a response by the immune system and an amplification of the damage and irritation to the skin. In some cases, the allergy progresses to the point that any contact with the allergen, including the inhalation or ingestion of microscopic latex particles, will cause a dangerous flare-up of symptoms.

If your dog has allergy symptoms, don’t dismiss feathers just because you don’t have a pet bird–dogs can be allergic to feathers found in down comforters, as well as pillows.

the_dood_murphy6. Food ingredients (e.g. beef, chicken, pork, corn, wheat or soy)

Food allergies can show up at any age, and can cause itchy skin, chronic ear infections, or stomach upset like vomiting and diarrhea.

Dogs, just like humans, can be prone to a variety of allergies. Some breeds, like Retrievers, Terriers, Setters, and flat-faced breeds (Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Frenchies, etc) are more susceptible to allergies than others. Here are 15 allergies that may surprise you when it comes to your dog.

Dogs can be allergic to a flea’s saliva and suffer from a allergic reaction when bitten by a flea. The most common allergic reaction fleas is a skin disease called atopic dermatitis.

How To Determine What Type Of Allergy Your Dog Has And How To Treat It