Can Dogs Eat Basmati Brown Rice

Rice is such a common food for us and even more common in Asian countries but can dogs eat rice too?

The quick answer is yes but you will need to take some things into consideration before adding rice to your dog’s diet.

Rice is often used as an ingredient in commercial dog food. It’s a good source of carbohydrates and fuels the body with energy.

Neither does it mean that grain-free food is always low-quality, nor that dog food that includes grain is necessarily good or bad. It depends on other factors.

Did you know that a lot of brands that advertise with “grain-free” actually put way too many peas into their dog food? The grain isn’t always the devil it’s made out to be.

Just make sure your dog’s diet is made up mostly of (raw) meat. Read up more about the raw diet and meaty bones, organs, etc. in my raw feeding guide.

Furthermore, it contains no fats or sodium but good components like vitamin D or calcium which makes it a healthy addition to your dog’s diet.

Rice and chicken are often served for dogs with an upset tummy or diarrhea because it is easily digestible and contains starch which helps to grow useful bacteria to support a healthy bowel.

Yes, dogs can eat basmati rice.

4 Reasons Why Rice is Good For Dogs

Don’t follow a bandwagon; you should know why you should feed your dogs with rice. Of course, rice is suitable for dogs as there are benefits derivable. Thus, rice is considered to be one of the best dog food for Pitbulls.

Rice provides dogs with an ample supply of carbohydrates which converts to energy for your dogs. With rice, you can reduce fats, which are the dietary source of energy for dogs. Compared to fats, rice provides power without causing any damage to a dog’s health.

Quite a number of dogs are susceptible to bowel issues, and rice can be a long term fix for these issues. All thanks to the abundant presence of starch in rice, useful bacteria can thrive in the bowel. In the end, it provides digestive supports to dogs.

It won’t amount to exaggeration if we state that feeding your dog rice can make them smarter and calmer, just like Quinoa. Compared to other foods, rice is quite low in fats and cholesterol that affect the brain health of dogs.

As soon as a dog is eight years old, the risk of suffering from hypertension increases. To combat this silent killer in dogs, a combination of rice and a little amount of sodium can be the lifesaver. If you can lay your hands on rice husks, it’s even better.

How Much Rice Can You Feed Your Dog?

As beneficial as rice is to a dog’s health, feeding should be done in moderation. No matter how much you love your dog, never feed them rice more than thrice a week.

When it comes to rice, just like any food, follow the 10% Treat Rule strictly. Anything above this will lead to your dog packing unnecessary extra pounds.

How to Incorporate Brown Rice into Your Dog’s Diet

Many commercial dog foods already include brown rice because of the nutritional benefits above. If your dog eats balanced, commercial dog food, adding large amounts of “extras,” even fresh foods, can throw off the balanced diet, particularly things like calcium and phosphorus. Excessive amounts of specific vitamins and minerals can lead to health problems.


Is brown basmati rice OK for dogs?

Absolutely. Dogs can eat grains, including brown rice, because they are omnivores. That means dogs can eat and digest foods that come from plants.

Why can’t dogs have brown rice?

Brown rice is never prescribed for dogs having gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea. Ill canine companions need need the starch in white rice. However, white rice has a higher glycemic index than brown rice and can cause blood sugar levels to rise.

How much brown rice Can I give my dog?

Dogs can eat brown rice daily in a complete and balanced diet — just make sure you feed it in moderation since too much brown rice (or any treat) can lead to extra weight gain. “If adding brown rice as a treat to a dog’s daily diet, I recommend feeding less than 10 percent of their daily caloric intake,” Dr.

What type of rice is best for dogs?

Vets will recommend a bland diet of white rice (with no seasonings or fats) and boiled chicken for dogs with gastrointestinal issues. White rice is easy to digest and helps their digestive system relax and regain its balance so your dog can eat their regular kibble again.