You may want your baby back (baby back, baby back) ribs, as the Chilis commercial jingle went a few years ago, but is it cool to give beef or pork rib bones to dogs as a treat once in a while?
While theres anything inherently toxic to dogs about cooked pork or beef rib meat, bones are a more complicated issue. Because of the chances of choking, digestion problems, and sharp bones in the gastrointestinal tract, veterinarians like Renee Schmid, DVM, DABVT, DABT, a veterinarian toxicologist who works with Pet Poison Helpline, have begun shying away from recommending that dogs chew on animal bones.
What are the types of bones your dog can eat?
Even though it largely depends on the animal bone type, there are certain things that you should know and observe before giving your dog bones.
You should settle for thick large bones instead of the narrow or small ones. Dogs have a lower tendency to chew on large bones.
I have discovered over time that my dog fares better when it eats raw bones when compared with cooked bones. Experts agree that it is quite safer to give your dog raw bones over cooked bones. When the bone is cooked, it causes the bones to soften and as such increase the risk of the bones scattering when they are chewed. It is also worthy of note that raw bones are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
If your dog has stomach related problems, diarrhea, and irritable bowel, then feeding it bones won’t be the best idea. You may, however, consider giving it bone marrow as a remedy.
What should I do if my dog eats a bad bone?
One thing I have observed as both a parent and a dog owner is that one cannot be too careful. Dogs have a way of being cunning and can steal a bone from your plate when you are not looking. So in a case where your dog eats a bone, it is not supposed to, what do you do.
First, if you catch it while it is in the act, it is instructive that you remove the bone from its mouth before it starts eating it. Also, ensure that your dog is not choking. You should then call your Veterinarian for immediate help.
Place them under close watch
It should be noted that when your dog eats chicken bones for instance, it does not necessarily lead to any serious complications. It is however pertinent that you keep a close watch on the dog for days after to be sure it is safe. If your dog displays the following signs, you must take them to a vet as quickly as possible: abdominal bloating, lethargy, vomiting, constipation and bloody stool.
You should ensure that you check the stool of your dog for some days to confirm if the bone fragments have passed through. If you, however, haven’t seen the bones inside his stool after 4 days, ensure that you contact a vet to ensure that it is not stuck somewhere. The injuries that result from the damages done to the intestinal tract of your dog could require carrying out expensive surgery.
Can dogs eat rib bones?
Bones, either cooked or raw, can splinter, which can pose a significant health risk to your dog. “Splinters and bone fragments, what we term foreign bodies, can get lodged in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract, causing serious health issues,” explains Venator. This applies to all types of bones, such as beef, pork and chicken bones. “While beef bones may be less likely to splinter than chicken bones, the reality is that all bones or full ribs present a clear health risk to our dogs — a risk that can be easily avoided.”
Are beef short rib bones OK for dogs?
What happens if a dog eats short rib bones?