Can dogs eat Key limes? A Comprehensive Guide

How much lime is toxic to dogs?

It takes a very large amount of limes to cause enough lime poisoning to kill a dog. In fact, most dogs will react so negatively to the essential oils and sour taste that they won’t be able to eat a toxic amount.

If your dog ate some limes, keep an eye on them and take notes so you are able to give your local veterinarian enough information for them to help your pet.

Are limes bad for dogs? Yes, they are very bad for dogs.

Lime trees produce a phototoxic compound called psoralen compounds which are toxic to dogs. But will limes kill dogs? More than likely they won’t die from eating a lime.

The most common side effects from dogs eating limes are:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive Drooling
  • Gastrointestinal upset
  • Loss of Coordination
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Intestinal blockage
  • If you suspect liver failure or your dog is acting so lethargic that they aren’t responding to you, please seek immediate veterinary care.

    Can dogs eat Key limes?

    You might have heard that limes are good for humans and our immune system. You would be right! For us humans, limes have:

  • Great source of vitamin C
  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Vitamin B6
  • Unfortunately, dogs do not benefit from them the same way we do.

    No, limes are not ok for dogs. The best thing you can do is keep even small amounts away from your dog. Chances are they won’t like the sour taste. Just in case your dog does like them, don’t let them eat them.

    Most dogs are not allergic to limes. It’s more of a reaction to the toxic essential oils in the fruit and peels. Large and small dogs pretty much all react the same way.

    If they get some of the essential oils near their eyes they might have eye irritation or cough from the bitter taste. Offer them plenty of water and take the limes away from them.

    So, can dogs eat key limes? No, the answer is the same. Both finger and key limes are unsafe for dogs to eat and could lead to either toxicity or a possible choking hazard.

    No, dogs should not drink or consume lime juice, even a small amount. The citric acid might irritate their throat and upset their stomach.

    Can Dogs Eat Key Lime Pie

    Key lime pie might seem harmless, but dogs should not eat sweet desserts. They have too many calories and could cause your pet to gain an unhealthy amount of weight. Plus, some types of key lime pie have artificial sweeteners like xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to dogs, never let your dog eat anything that is made with it.

    Can dogs eat Key limes?

    What About Key Lime Pie?

    When it comes to Key Lime Pie, it’s also not good for dogs. The limes are toxic, and the high fat and sugar are also not healthy for our canine friends. The pie could set off pancreatitis and other health issues if ingested.

    Can Dogs Eat Lime

    Key Lime Pie is a favorite for many pet parents! Who doesn’t enjoy this yummy dessert originally from the Florida Keys? But is Key Lime Pie safe for dogs?

    Has your dog eaten Key Lime Pie? Are you worried the Key Lime Pie may make your dog sick? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. We know it’s scary when your dog eats something he shouldn’t.

    In this article, we’ll take a look at Key Lime Pie and whether or not it can make a dog sick. Let’s get started!