Is it Safe to Feed Your Dog Vanilla?
So, if your dog was to snaffle a vanilla pod and eat it, it is unlikely to cause any major problems, other than, possibly, a bit of an upset tummy.
However, if they were to counter surf and drink a bottle full of vanilla extract, this could be much more problematic.
Vanilla extract and flavoring are toxic to dogs due to the high alcohol content and drinking even part of a bottle could be a serious health risk, especially for smaller dogs.
While cakes and other foods that use vanilla extract are unlikely to contain enough to cause a problem (usually only a few drops are used in baking), feeding your dog cakes and other sweet deserts isnt something to be encouraged.
The high quantities of sugar could present a problem in terms of obesity, diabetes, and dental health. Baked goods also often contain a lot of rich ingredients including dairy, and this can lead to stomach upsets. Most seriously, artificial sweeteners like xylitol are often added, and this is highly toxic for dogs, even in very small quantities. Plus, chocolate and raisins are not uncommon in cakes, and these too are toxic.
Can Dogs Have Vanilla Extract?
Some recipes, including those for natural dog treats, call for the use of vanilla extracts. Vanilla extract is made by softening the vanilla, typically using a mixture of ethanol and water. The alcohol extraction process leads to a liquid that contains at least 35% alcohol, and this can be very dangerous for dogs.
Are Dogs Allergic to Vanilla?
Generally, food allergies are very rare in dogs. However, your pup may be allergic to vanilla. According to VCA Hospitals, if your dog is allergic to any food, it will tend to show the following symptoms.
Even if your canine friend is not allergic to vanilla, these extracts can present a bunch of other problems. Therefore, experts believe that dog parents are better off by keeping their companions away from vanilla.
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Generally, vanilla is NOT recommended for dogs because it contains 35% alcohol. Alcohol is extremely toxic to dogs and can cause a lot of complications. Alcohol improves the flavor of the extracts and this is the primary reason why it is included in vanilla.
If the vanilla is made from vegetable glycerin (alcohol-free vanilla), it is safe for dogs to consume it. However, bio-fuel glycerin is also dangerous for dogs and there is no real way of determining the type of glycerin used for making vanilla. Therefore, vanilla should be kept away from dogs whenever possible.