Can dogs have apricots? Expert Advice


There’s no definitive rule about how many apricots a dog can eat, and the amount they can safely eat will vary depending on their size. A big breed can probably eat a whole apricot as long as the pit is removed and it’s been sliced into bitesize chunks for them.

However, a small dog should probably eat no more than half an apricot a day. Again, this will need to be cut up and the stone must be removed.

Like most fruits, the best rule to follow is the 10% rule. That means your pooch should eat no more than 10% of the recommended daily calories in treats, including apricots. 90% of their calorie intake must come frombalanced meals.

Health Benefits of Apricots for Dogs

Apricots are a highly nutritious fruit. Apricots contain iron, magnesium, potassium, beta carotene, calcium, folate, and vitamin C. The typical apricot has about 17 calories, 3.9 grams of carbohydrates, and 3.2 grams of sugar. They also contain about half a gram of protein and almost one gram of dietary fiber. Apricots are low in fat, too.

Evidence suggests that apricots may help lower blood cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. That’s because they are rich in soluble fiber and potassium. Apricots are also full of anti-inflammatory polyphenols, which can benefit cardiovascular health. Apricots also help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and provide beta carotene to help protect eyesight.

These vitamins are also extremely important for dogs, especially senior dogs. Apricots can help dogs improve their eyesight, reduce inflammation related to joint problems and arthritis, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

The Benefits of Apricots for Dogs

Because the apricots aren’t harmful, you may want to give them to your dog at least a few times throughout the week, especially if you often have apricots at home. Before you add this fruit to your dog’s diet, it helps to know some of the benefits associated with apricots.

Did you know they contain several essential vitamins, including vitamins A and E? These vitamins are good for humans AND dogs. Some of the primary benefits of feeding apricots to your dog include:

  • Better digestion
  • Improved condition of the skin
  • Shiny, clean-looking fur that appears healthy
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Knowing that apricots can provide countless health benefits may motivate you to want to start sharing the fruit with your dog. As long as you don’t overdo it and continue to provide a small amount of the apricot to your pup each day, you should have no problems. Your dog can even begin reaping the benefits of consuming something so naturally healthy in no time. If you take a before and after picture a few weeks apart after feeding your dog apricots a few times per week, you may even notice a significant difference in the appearance of its skin and fur.

    Can Dogs Eat Apricots?