Can Dogs Have Slow Cooked Lamb Bones

Many dogs can safely enjoy raw, smoked, or slow-cooked bones. On the other hand, thick, baked and barbecued bones are hard and brittle. These really can injure teeth. And if gobbled down in large chunks, they can damage and obstruct the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

The size of a lamb bone matters

Giving our dog’s raw bones is only part of the story if we want to keep them as safe as possible.

Two other important considerations are the size of the bone and the shape of the bone.

As dog owners, we need to make sure that any bone that we give to our dogs is the right size.

In particular we want to make sure that the bone isn’t so small that it could become a choking hazard.

Bones are there to be chewed, not swallowed whole.

And the right size will vary depending on the size of your dog and also on your dog’s table manners.

If your dog chews his food and takes his time he will be less at risk than a dog who inhales food rather than eats it.

So having established that the raw bones are best and that size does matter in the next section I will talk about the shape of a bone.

The Health Benefits of Lamb Bones

Giving your dog a raw bone to chew on will help with dental care and can actually help prevent periodontal disease.

Plaque builds up on your dog’s teeth and this can be very difficult to remove. Bacteria has a protective layer that water and toothpaste can’t penetrate. This can also lead to your pup having bad breath.

By giving them a raw bone to chew on, the enzymes that naturally occur in raw bones will help break down the protective layer around the bacteria. The chewing action also scrapes the plaque off of the teeth.

Additionally, raw bones provide a source of nutrients for your dog that helps with the growth of their skeletal system. It’s a great way for your pup to get extra calcium and phosphorus, which is especially good for large breed puppies who are slower to mature.

Giving your dog a raw bone will also help provide mental stimulation and help your dog to develop the muscles in their jaw, skull, and neck. If your dog chews on items around the house like shoes, you can distract your pup by giving them a bone to chew on instead. This can help to develop positive chewing habits.

When you give your pup a bone, you want to make sure that it’s about the size of his or her head. This will allow your dog to gnaw at it comfortably. Also, there’s less danger of your dog swallowing the bone, which can lead to choking or may result in a trip to the vet if they’re unable to pass it.

Dogs love bone marrow. However, the bone marrow doesn’t always love the dog back. Your pup may develop a sensitive stomach after eating it, which could lead to frequent diarrhoea or even irritable bowel syndrome. Yes, dogs can get IBS too!

If this happens, you may want to find an alternative to the bone, like a toy, or look at putting your dog on to a dog food specifically formulated for a sensitive stomach.

Can my dog eat cooked bones?

Cooked or raw? Always feed your dog raw bones. Raw meaty bones (such as raw chicken wings or lamb flaps) help to keep teeth and gums healthy, provide added nutrition and help cleanse your dog’s digestive tract. Never feed cooked bones to your dog, as these can splinter and cause internal injury.


Can dogs eat slow cooked lamb bones?

Cooked bones can splinter and cause severe internal damage to dogs. Lamb bones from table scraps are absolutely off-limits, along with any other cooked bones. Dogs’ strong stomach acid helps break bones down, and kill potential bacteria.

Is it OK to give dogs lamb bones?

We would always advise against giving your dog any kind of bones. Lamb bones in particular can be really dangerous for your dog as, due to their size, pieces can be broken off when your dog is chewing, which can easily cause obstruction and damage to their gastrointestinal tract.

What happens if my dog eats cooked lamb bones?

Bone fragments can cause constipation. Internal bleeding if fragments pierce internal organs. Peritonitis – a bacterial infection in the abdomen that can occur when bone fragments pierce the stomach or intestines. Pancreatitis from the high fat content.