Can dogs smell concentrates? Find Out Here

Can TSA Dogs Smell Weed Cartridges?

The majority of TSA canines are not actively looking for marijuana, and instead, their focus is on safety.

Yup. TSA sniffer dogs are not directly looking for your dime bag of weed or vape pen, unlike a drug dog!

Instead, they are searching for explosives and other things that are potentially dangerous and can cause harm.

Since airport security has tightened up significantly since the 9/11 incident, they are more focused on explosives, hard drugs, and potentially dangerous suspects.

However, if you are caught at an airport in a state where marijuana or cannabis is not legal, the TSA will hand you over to local law enforcement agencies to deal with you.

And depending on how much weed you are carrying, you can be subject to the laws of that particular state.

So, you could be at risk depending on where you are landing or stopping over.

So it is best to leave your cannabis and vape cartridges at home unless you have a prescription and all the documentation needed to prove it.

Can dogs smell concentrates?

Drug sniffing dogs are not usually looking for weed when they are on the job. Instead, they are looking for explosives, harder drugs, or harmful or dangerous objects.

If you are in a state where it is legal recreationally, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you have a stopover in a state where it is illegal, we suggest that you do not exit the airport for a puff of your vape pen.

This is because you will have to go through TSA security again, and they may have a drug dog that can identify marijuana. If caught, you may be handed over to police officers at local law enforcement agencies.

If you have a medical prescription for your vape cartridges, be sure to bring all documentation with you. That way, you are covering your butt if a drug dog happens to identify you.

Can Airport Drug Dogs Smell Weed Cartridges?

Yes, sniffer dogs can smell weed cartridges and alert their handlers to the presence of these cartridges, IF they have been trained to look for weed. The TSA has gone on the record multiple time saying they are concerned with safety, meaning they look and use dogs to detect contraband and potentially dangerous materials. They are apparently, NOT looking for cannabis (however if they find it they say they’ll alert local airport police).

Even if you get stopped for a random bag check, most middle aged TSA probably won’t even recognize what a vape cartridge is, let alone find it if you “lose” it among tons of other similarly shaped things like a make-up bag, or in a backpack pouch with mini-flashlights and metal bodied pens.

Technically speaking though sniffer dogs can detect the THC in cannabis, alongside a few specific terpenes (both of which are abundant in dab pens) and they’ll be able to do so even if you conceal weed cartridges in something else with a strong smell, like your full lunch box.

Drug dogs can even sniff out (perfectly legal, in most places) CBD oil and related cannabis products, if they have been trained for that task.

TL;DR: As long as marijuana is legal where you are (traveling), and you have the appropriate medical cannabis prescription where relevant, that fact shouldn’t scare you.

What’s more, if you encounter sniffer dogs somewhere where cannabis is perfectly legal, those dogs are more likely to be on the lookout for substances like MDMA or meth than for weed.

Additionally, even if you are in a non-legal jurisdiction the TSA isn’t actively looking for weed. We know people that have flown to half the lower continental United States and they always bring their carts with them and have never had a problem, including walking through dog sniffing boxes.

It would seem, in real-world practice, the TSA isn’t lying when they say they’re not looking for drugs, especially not your pithy little vape pen.

Can dogs smell concentrates?

Can Drug Dogs Smell Vape Pens?

Police drug sniffer dogs are trained to sniff for and detect numerous substances, including vape cartridges and pens. They might be trained to identify specific substances found in vape pens, which could be either the juice or the cartridge used in the pen.

The simple answer to the question, “Can drug dogs smell vape pens?” is yes, but only if it is something they are trained to pay attention to. Even if a drug sniffer dog is trained to smell multiple substances, the dog can only flag their trainer or owner if they have been trained to identify the specific substance your vape pen uses, no matter how much it is disguised. But how do they do it?

Customs officials and police dog handlers say that drug dogs are trained to identify between two and five different substances. They can separate any odor from a concoction of smells that are mixed up to disguise the smell.

That means if a custom dog is trained to detect nicotine, it will be able to smell any vape pen with nicotine juice in it, even if other flavors mask it. Police dogs are also trained to detect cannabis or THC contained in a juice cartridge, and they can signal their handlers once they identify the smell.

If you are using a marijuana vape pen and ask yourself, can dogs smell cannabis vape pens? You need to be aware that they can, although they might not signal that they detect it if they are not trained to search for that specific scent.

Do drug-sniffing dogs pass the smell test?

Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and can be easily trained. This is why they are used by so many law enforcement agencies around the world including police, border officials, and customs. With 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose, they are said to have smell that is 10,000 times than humans do.

The thing with drug sniffer dogs is that they are all trained to smell for specific scents. This means a dog can be trained to detect almost anything, providing it has a scent. Based on this, here’s the short answer followed by more detail on drugs being able to smell for vape pens.

Can drug dogs smell vape pens? Drug sniffer dogs can smell for vape cartridges and pens depending on what’s in the juice and cartridge. Police dogs can signal to detect what they have been trained for, which can include cannabis and nicotine with some law enforcement agencies.

The bottom line is, if you have vape juice with a substance in it that dogs are trained to detect, then the dog will smell, no matter how well the scent is disguised.

Police dogs have been trained to smell for things like micro SD cards, so sniffing out a vape cartridge is not going to be difficult for them. But it’s all down to whether the dog has been trained to or not.