Can I cut my dog’s eyebrow whiskers? Expert Advice

Why Does My Dog Have Whiskers?

Whiskers, among other things, serve three distinct purposes: as sensors that help identify close objects and help his spatial awareness, as indicators of a dog’s emotional state, and as a means of protecting your pooch’s face.

While his hearing and sense of smell are stellar, your dog’s eyesight is subpar at focusing on objects close to his face. The sensitivity of his whiskers helps him identify when things are approaching.

Moreover, they act as “feelers” so Fido can find his toys at night when it’s dark. Moving air that bounces off his whiskers even allow him to detect when objects are heading for him before they make it there, and they allow him to determine the size and shape of the object as well.

Apart from the practicality of these sensors, they also alert us and other dogs when Fido feels threatened.

When your pooch is relaxed, his whiskers are also in a relaxed, laid back position. However, if he senses impending danger, his whiskers will angle forward in the direction of the threat. This usually occurs simultaneously with other changes in body language, so approaching dogs will know your dog feels threatened and is on the defense.

Did you know whiskers help our canine companions determine if they can fit through small spaces? In addition to saving pup from getting stuck in unwanted locations, they also protect debris from entering your pooch’s eyes.

Even the tiniest piece of dust floating through the air that lands on your fur baby’s whisker will send a signal that something is close to his eyes, and he will shake it off to keep his eyes safe.

What Happens if You Cut a Dog’s Whiskers?

If your dog’s whiskers get cut off, it can interfere with his ability to navigate his surroundings. Your dog may run into more items and thus possibly be more susceptible to getting injured. The removal of a dog’s whiskers can be uncomfortable and stressful for your dog.

Is it bad to cut dog whiskers?

It doesn’t hurt dogs to cut the whiskers as the hairs don’t contain any pain receptors, cutting them off could create confusion or make your dog less spatially aware. It may affect their ability to judge when objects are nearby, which will make your dog a lot less confident.

Can You Cut Dog Whiskers? (Or Trim)

Depending on your dog’s breed and coat type, grooming might be a weekly topic that includes brushing, combing, and trimming fur or nails.

Vibrissae (whiskers) typically grow around the muzzle, the cheeks, the chin and on both corners of the eyebrows.

They are thicker and way longer than your dog’s natural fur and the root reaches deep into the skin.

So what happens if you cut or trim dog whiskers? Do they need them and what are they for? Do dog whiskers grow back?

Doggy facial hair is not simply called whiskers or vibrissae. Depending on the location of the hair, the whiskers have many different names.

Starting with the most prominent whiskers around your dog’s muzzle, these antennas are called “mystacial whiskers” which originates from the word “mustache”.

The whiskers above the dog’s eyes are known as “supraorbital whiskers” while the cheeks carry the “genal whiskers”.

When you look under your dog’s chin you might stumble upon the “interramal tufts” which arise from the little spot in the middle.

We commonly know from cats that they utilize whiskers to collect additional information about their environment.

Before a cat enters a narrow tunnel, she will brush her whiskers against the inside to determine the size and length of the tunnel.

For cats as well as dogs, whiskers work like a sixth sense that they can use to learn more about their surroundings.

However, dogs do not depend on their whiskers as much as cats do, so should you trim them regularly?

Your dog went to visit the groomer and when picking him up you notice that his whiskers are shorter than before.

In general, dogs never need their whiskers to be shaved, trimmed or cut and it’s more of an aesthetic choice to achieve the “clean” look.

But there is really no need for trimming your dog’s facial hair if you don’t have a super long-haired breed.

If your dog is a hairy-faced breed such as the Poodle or Schnauzer, you can consider trimming them a tiny bit only if he is constantly getting food or dirt stuck in his chin hair.

Other than that, it probably does more harm than good if you cut your dog’s whiskers.