Can I Give My Dog Low Dose Bayer Aspirin

Can I Give My Dog Baby Aspirin?Low-dose baby aspirin can help your dog with short-term pain, but it is not a safe heart health supplement.

In Low Doses, Bayer is Safe Enough For Dogs

This form of aspirin can be used as a temporary pain reliever.

Do not give your dog Bayer as a way to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Such a well-intentioned idea doesn’t make much sense and will unnecessarily put your pet at risk.

Ironically though, Bayer’s low-dose 81mg AKA “Baby Aspirin” can be given to ease pain.

And Bayer’s chewable, flavored versions are also more suited for dogs based on the lower standard dose.

Vets have long prescribed regular generic aspirin.

Still, play it safe! Consult with your vet.

The truth is your dog may or may not be a good candidate for Bayer. An entirely different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory could be what’s needed for their pain.

At the very least, get an expert’s recommendation in regards to dosing.

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We hate to see our dogs in pain. If your dog is suffering with pain from an injury or disease, it can be tempting to treat him the way we treat ourselves—with a painkiller like aspirin. Before you reach into your medicine cabinet, talk to your vet. Vets do prescribe aspirin for dogs, but aspirin has some serious side effects that dog owners need to be aware of.

Aspirin is an NSAID, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. This puts it in the same category as ibuprofen, naproxen, carprofen, and a long list of other NSAIDs geared toward humans and animals.

NSAIDs are used to treat pain, inflammation, and fever. Aspirin also acts as an anti-coagulant, preventing blood from clotting. In general, NSAIDs have fewer side effects than steroids, although certain NSAIDs like Rimadyl are better suited for long-term use than others. But all of them can cause side effects, so talk to your vet about the best painkiller for your dog’s condition.

Why Do Vets Prescribe Aspirin for Dogs?

Vets usually prescribe aspirin for dogs with osteoarthritis or musculoskeletal inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with these conditions and can offer your dog relief from symptoms.

Veterinarians also use aspirin to treat a variety of other conditions. If you have a question about why your vet recommended administering aspirin, call the office. Thanks to some of the more serious side effects associated with the drug, aspirin is not a medication that owners should give their dogs without veterinary approval, so be sure to pay close attention to your veterinarian’s instructions.