Can I Give My Dog Raw Chicken Drumsticks

It might seem like a good idea to give your dog some of the chicken dinners you’re preparing for yourself, especially if it’s a raw chicken drumstick.

But even though dogs love meat and many people think raw meat is better for them than cooked meat, there are some very good reasons why you should never feed them raw chicken.

In this article, we’ll explain the problems with feeding dogs raw chicken, including the risk of salmonella poisoning and anemia.

We’ll also look at why veterinarians don’t recommend home-cooked alternatives to commercial dog food that include raw chicken.

Raw chicken, duck and turkey bones are edible for dogs

Raw chicken and turkey bones should be safe for dogs of all sizes. You just want to feed pieces of meat with bone that are large enough so your dog can’t swallow the pieces whole and potentially choke. (This risk is rare, though.)

How many raw chicken legs can a dog eat?

While they’re good for your dog, too many of them will constipate your dog. Talk to your veterinarian about how many you can feed your dog, but a general rule of thumb is no more than one or two raw bones a week, spacing out each serving by a few days.

How Big a Danger is Salmonella?

Salmonella is certainly a risk when feeding your dog raw chicken, but the actual risk to your dog is unclear. Dogs have a higher acidity level in their stomach than we do. You’ve probably seen your dog eating something that would make you violently ill at some point.

It may have been spoiled meat, garbage, or even a dead animal. Dogs have evolved to eat raw meat, and even meat that has been dead for days. This is how they survive in the wild.

According to the FDA, dogs and cats rarely contract salmonella. However, when they do, they can spread it to their owners. Dogs can shed the bacteria in their feces and saliva, even if they aren’t showing symptoms of the illness themselves.

In most cases, a dog who gets salmonella poisoning has an underlying health issue that makes them more susceptible.

If you want to feed your dog raw chicken and minimize the risk, it’s wise to speak with your vet. If your pooch has no health problems that can weaken their digestive system, the risk is low.

If you are at a higher risk of salmonella complications, this should be considered as well. For most people, salmonella can cause them to be very sick, but causes no permanent damage. However, the very young, elderly, and pregnant women are at a higher risk of serious complications or death from salmonella.

A full leg portion is a hefty meal for a dog, particularly a smaller pooch. If your dog is eating a raw diet, a large dog should have about 2 pounds of raw chicken at least once a day. This should be supplemented with organs and beef, at least some days.

If your dog isn’t eating a completely raw diet, and you are supplementing their standard pet food, one chicken leg may be too much, particularly if they aren’t accustomed to raw meat.

Chicken feet can be an excellent addition to your dog’s diet. They are very high in glucosimine and chondroitin, which support joint health. They also make a great chewy.

Chicken feet are high in many vitamins and minerals. If your dog eats a commercial diet, they are a great supplement. If your dog has a raw diet, they are still a suitable treat.

The texture of chicken feet make them an excellent dental bone. The act of chewing the feet will help clean your dog’s teeth.

The glucosomine and chondrotin in chicken feet is highly beneficial for joint health. If you have an older dog who suffers from arthritis, they may help relieve the symptoms, particularly over time.

They are high in protein and low in calories. If your dog is on a diet, they are a great alternative to commercial dog treats. In addition to being low calories, they provide entertainment and can keep your dog occupied much longer than typical treats.

The simplest way to get chicken feet is at your local butcher or grocery store. When it comes to chicken feet, it’s ok to feed your dog “human food”. Some stores carry raw chicken feet. Others may have frozen chicken feet.

They have not been processed at all. They are similar to something your dog would eat in the wild, which can provide a healthy addition to a standard diet. You’ll need to store them in the fridge or freezer, just as you would raw meat.

If you want a treat with a longer shelf life, or a slightly less lifelike appearance, dehydrated chicken feet are an option. These are often sold as dog treats. Because they are dehydrated, they can be stored at room temperature for up to 6 months.

Can dogs safely eat raw chicken?

Considering how many dog foods contain chicken as an ingredient, it’s a safe bet that you can feed your dog chicken. … Most sources recommend against raw chicken, due to the risk of salmonella or bacterial infections, although the movement toward raw food, including raw chicken and raw chicken bones, is growing.


Can you feed dogs raw chicken drumsticks?

‘Chicken bones to dogs are like us going to a pub and having chips – they taste good, but aren’t healthy,’ he says. ‘I do not recommend feeding chicken drumsticks to dogs, nor wishbones.

Can dogs eat chicken drumstick bones?

Cooked bones can splinter and cause severe internal damage to dogs. Chicken bones from table scraps are absolutely off-limits, along with any other cooked bones. Raw bones pose potential risks, and should only be consumed under careful observation.

Can dogs eat raw frozen chicken drumsticks?

We recommend that if you feed chicken meat without any bones, cook it well. If you feed chicken bones then freeze them for a 2 week period before feeding them to your dog or cat. Take them straight out of the freezer & give them to your pet frozen. No thawing.

Can dogs digest raw chicken bones?

Bones can cause obstructions in the stomach or intestinal tract, puncture a dog’s internal organs, get stuck in the mouth or throat, and break teeth. Cooked chicken bones can be an even bigger issue for dogs, but raw chicken bones can be just as problematic for some dogs.