Can I put cotton balls in my dog’s ears for noise? Here’s the Answer

Can you put cotton in dog’s ears for fireworks?

Make sure your pet has proper identification such as tags and/or a working microchip in case they run off. Put cotton in their ears to block the noise or purchase dog ear muffs for them to wear. … Have your dog wear an anxiety wrap. Keep your pet indoors to prevent running away or getting injured by fireworks.

Does covering a dogs ears work?

Dogs, however, need their ears to both hear and stay alert. So generally it’s not a good idea to cover them up, says Daily Paws Pet Health and Behavior Editor Haylee Bergeland, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, RBT. Covering the ears could stress some dogs out even more, she says.

Behavior Help for Dog Fireworks Fears

It can take weeks or even months for desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques to teach fearful pets that noises won’t hurt them. Behaviorists recommend desensitizing pets by exposing them to recorded sounds of the scary noise played at a very low volume and rewarding him for staying calm. Gradually, you increase the noise level, to help the pup “get used” to the noise–desensitize him–so he can learn to tolerate it.

Densitization programs for fireworks fears and storm phobias are not particularly realistic for most pet people. Pets suffering from storm phobias also may react to the sounds of rain. Even the sensation of humidity or barometric pressure can trigger behavior problems, and you can’t do much to control humidity or barometric pressure.

If you start counter-conditioning your fur-kid as a baby, it can help him stay calm during all kinds of scary noises, from thunderstorms and gunshots to fireworks fears. I’ve done this with both Magical-Dawg, Bravo, and even Karma-Kat. Each time the loud noise caused a “startle” or flinch reflex, I threw a PUPPY-PARTEEEEE! And I’d exclaim, “WOW, WAS THAT LOUD, WHAT FUN!” and treats rained down everywhere.

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Pune: As the festival of Diwali is approaching soon, city-based veterinary doctors have appealed to people and pet owners to keep their pets indoors and take care of animals, as they get disturbed by smoke and noise caused by firecrackers during the festival. Veterinary doctors have appealed to use cotton plugs or ear pads for pet animals so that the pets do not go in trauma due to sound created by bursting of firecrackers.

Veterinary doctors said that as dogs hear higher frequency sounds than humans, they have a different acoustic sense and so are disturbed when crackers are burst. Similarly, as dogs have millions of olfactory receptors in their noses, they are disturbed by the smoke emerging after bursting of crackers.

Speaking to Sakal Times, Assistant Commissioner at Department of Animal Husbandry Dr Anil Deshpande said that loud noise due to firecrackers causes otitis(inflammation of ear) in dogs. “Similarly, bursting of firecrackers can cause pus in the ears of dogs or diarrhoea. We must try not to expose animals to the bursting of crackers. We can put cotton plugs in ears of pet animals or keep pet animals inside a room so that the impact of crackers is less on them and they do not go in trauma,” added Deshpande.

Another city-based veterinary doctor, Dr Sachin Kale, said that animals panic once they come in contact with loud noise and smoke emanating from the bursting of crackers. “Bursting crackers of high noise levels can also lead to the death of birds and smoke coming from the crackers is harmful to everyone. Animals get stressed during Diwali due to loud noise,” added Kale.

The doctors stressed that birds and animals need to be protected and kept out of the high impact area of the firecrackers as noise and air pollution caused by firecrackers during Diwali cause temporary deafness.

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