Can I put cranberry juice in my dogs water? A Step-by-Step Guide

Can Drinking Cranberry Juice Benefit Dogs?

Like many fruits, cranberries are full of nutrients and antioxidants. Many available cranberry juices are laden with sugar and other ingredients that arent Fido-friendly, so any potential benefits they may reap from the cranberries themselves could be cancelled out by the juices not-so-healthy ingredients. Thats why youll always want to choose unsweetened cranberry juice, and be sure to read the label closely to identify any preservatives or other harmful ingredients.

The reason that some pet parents began offering cranberry juice to their dogs in the first place is due to its ability to help fight urinary tract infections (UTIs). These painful bladder infections can affect both dogs and humans alike, and can cause sharp pain in your poochs abdomen and lower back as well as a burning sensation when they do urinate. The infection can progress to the kidneys, which can lead to other serious health conditions. If your dog is dealing with a UTI, you may notice symptoms such as straining or the appearance of pain or discomfort when they urinate.

However, cranberry has long been considered a safe remedy for this problem. Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins, which are compounds that may help prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and setting up an infection. In fact, some studies in humans have shown that drinking cranberry juice may even help prevent UTIs in the first place.

If your veterinarian diagnoses your pup with a UTI, he or she may prescribe medicine or antibiotics to help combat the issue. Other ways to prevent your dog from developing a UTI is to make sure they drink enough water, keep them well-groomed (particularly around the genital area), and allow your dog to have frequent potty breaks.

Is Cranberry Juice Safe for Dogs?

Although the antioxidants in cranberries can role in the health of various systems, the problem is that just because the berries have health benefits doesnt necessarily mean the juice does.

While the red, acidic berry is low-calorie while being full of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, cranberry juice is high in sugar and may contain other ingredients that can be harmful to your pup. For the same reason, you should also avoid offering your dog cranberry sauce. When consuming cranberries in juice (or jellied) form, both humans and animals are missing out on some of the key health benefits of the fruit, such as fiber, which may help with controlling blood sugar in diabetics and bowel health.

Additionally, whole cranberries (when offered in moderation) are thought to improve your dog’s bladder health and fight bacteria that cause bad breath. For that reason, the disease-fighting cranberry is used in some dog food recipes because of all the vitamins and minerals.

What are the signs of a bladder infection in a dog?Signs of Bladder Infection in Dogs

  • Straining to urinate.
  • Increased frequency of urination.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Cloudy or strong-smelling urine.
  • Reduced quantity of urine.
  • Accidents inside your home.
  • Do Cranberries Work For Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs?