Can I sew a dog toy? Simple and Effective Tips

Your dog is a special friend who deserves the best, and that includes a handmade dog bone toy. This free dog bone pattern is easy to sew and should only take you about a half hour to complete. When you sew dog toys, you get to choose the materials and color scheme and tailor them to your pets size. This dog bone pattern comes in two sizes for large and small dogs. Besides making one for your own pup, a DIY dog bone can be a great personalized gift for family and friends who have canine companions.

Upcycle Your Jeans Into The Cutest Dog Toys.

My craft club friend Wendy’s dog Lottie’s (of giant wall art fame) loves to destroy her dog toys. They don’t last five minutes and Wendy is fed up with constantly buying new ones.

Lottie is not the only craft club dog, there’s my dog Toby a Foxy Russell (Jack Russell, Fox Terrier cross). Toby’s the old man of the pack, we’re not quite sure how old Toby actually is as he was a rescue dog, but think he’s about 14 years old now.

Then there’s Buster another Jack Russell with a Napoleon complex. I couldn’t make just one toy for Lottie. I had to make a pile of handmade dog toys for them all.

Lottie is not interested in the supposedly indestructible heavy-duty rubber dog toys. She likes the soft plush ones that squeak. I suggested making our own handmade dog toys. Not only would we save a bit of money but they may last a little longer.

Can I sew a dog toy?

I never throw away old jeans. I even save all the scraps from previous craft projects. Most of the time I find a use for every part of a pair of jeans.

Since denim is such a robust fabric and as I have lots of it I decided to make my handmade dog toys out of denim.

These dog toys also come with the squeak. However, if squeaky dog toys drive you mad you can leave that bit out.

Luckily these dog toys were really simple to make, therefore, I make a load of them really quickly.

Can I sew a dog toy?

By the way, these handmade dog toys aren’t just for Jack Russells but can be enjoyed by any breed of dog. I’m going to give one to the cute Beagle (Millie) round the corner.

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Learn how to sew a dog toy from fabric scraps, including an easy way to add crinkle sounds.

Can I sew a dog toy?

Hey y’all, today I have a super easy tutorial to make a cheap DIY dog toy from fabric scraps and, well, trash. I sew these DIY dog toys from left over fleece, and my poodle loves them. He thinks they’re a great dog treat, then promptly destroys them, lol! But I’d much rather he destroy these scrap fabric dog treats that cost me nothing than have to constantly buy him toys at the pet store.

Can I sew a dog toy?

The great thing about dogs is that they generally don’t care if the toys they get are perfectly cut or sewn. I make them rectangular-ish, but you could make them bone shaped, circular, or any other shape you can cut out. The shape isn’t what seems to engage my dog’s mind, instead it’s the texture of the fabric and the challenge of getting the crinkle out.

Can I sew a dog toy?

My pup will find these even if I hide them, which is a fun game for him. He also likes to play fetch with these a few times before he settles down to chew holes in it. Sometimes I get a good grip on it and we play tug of war. But mostly my pooch loves the mental stimulation of tearing things apart. He likes to take the cover off a tennis ball, and he loves to pull stuffing out of toys from . So these are a good alternative for us since I always have scrap fabric for them. But, hopefully this goes without saying, you should always watch your pooch with any toy, including a diy toy. You don’t want them to ingest small pieces of the toy as they tear it.

Can I sew a dog toy?

To make your own pet toy like this you’ll need:

  • Scrap fabric. My dog seems to prefer fleece type fabrics, but you could try denim, old t-shirts, etc. I would caution against old socks if you have a sock snatcher like my dog. That could make it hard for them to distinguish which socks they’re allowed to chew and which they’re not.
  • Potato chip bag – this is what I cut up to make the crinkling noise. I don’t wash the bag, and I use a pair of scissors separate from my fabric scissors to cut it.
  • Sewing machine, thread, etc. I don’t recommend hand sewing these if your dog is destructive like mine, hand stitching seems much easier for them to rip out in longer pieces of thread.
  • Can I sew a dog toy?

    How To Sew a DIY Dog Toy

    Do you have a dog? And do you like to spoil it with dog toys? Well, have you ever thought of making your own handmade dog toys?

    I’m not fussed about tea (more of a coffee lover), but I do have a dog. In fact, most of my friends and family own dogs too. We love to fuss over them with treats and toys.

    This denim dog toy tutorial featured under the letter D in the A to Z of denim upcycles.